Agenda item

Housing Need and Review of Wiltshire's Housing Allocations System

To receive information on the review of Wiltshire’s Housing Allocations system.  A presentation will be made by Nicole Smith, Head of Strategic Housing.


The Chairman introduced Ms Nicole Smith, Head of Strategic Housing and Mr Barry Hughes, Chief Executive of Selwood Housing and also of Wiltshire Housing Partnership, who would provide information on the review of Wiltshire‘s Housing Allocations System.

It was explained that due to policy changes introduced by the Government, a review was currently taking place on all housing priorities in Wiltshire. During the next few months a new Housing Strategy would be developed that would set out the Council’s housing-related agenda for the next five years. The three overarching objectives that would drive the housing agenda were:

  • To improve the quality and make best use of existing stock across Wiltshire
  • To utilise all opportunities to meet existing and future housing need
  • To help people to achieve independence and choice and to support local communities across Wiltshire

To assist with formulating this new Strategy all area boards were being consulted and their comments would be taken into account.  Once the Strategy had been formulated and agreed it would be brought back to area boards for information.   

Some statistical information regarding housing in the Westbury area was shown and explained (Copies of which are appended to these minutes).


Mr Barry Hughes explained the changes in benefit arrangements and the consequent problems that would arise regarding rent collections.  A new bedroom tax would be introduced in certain cases as part of the Government’s changes and those tenants who would be affected would be informed of these changes as soon as possible.


Ms Nicole Smith led a discussion on the allocation of social housing and explained different options available, such as mutual property exchanges or the taking in of lodgers.


During the ensuing discussion there was general concern about how these new arrangements would affect in particular the elderly and more vulnerable members of society.  It was considered most important that those who had experienced a recent bereavement were not subjected to the additional pressure and problem of having to move to a smaller property; additionally it was felt that such people, particularly the elderly needed a spare room in which to accommodate family members when paying a visit. 


Members were then invited to participate in a question and answer session in which they would be asked for their views on a review of housing allocations by amending Part 6 of the Housing Act, as required by the Localism Act 2011, as follows:




How should Wiltshire Council consider the Local Connection?


1.         Maintain an open housing register for all – 5 in favour

2.         A Local Connection to Wiltshire is required to join – 6 in favour

3.         Priority to those with a local connection to an area – 7 in favour



What is a Local Connection to an area?


1.         Employed in the area – 13 in favour

2.         Lives or previously lived in area – 14 in favour

3.         Family currently reside in the area – 11 in favour



Should additional priorities be given to the following?


1.         Under occupation – 11 in favour

2.         Employment – 12 in favour

3.         Training – 6 in favour

4.         Those who volunteer in the community – 6 in favour



Should we include any exclusions within the policy?


1.         Those with no identified housing need – 7 in favour

2.         Those evicted or caused severe Anti Social Behaviour – 11 in favour

3.         Those with significant rent arrears – 8 in favour



The Chairman thanked Ms Nicole Smith and Mr Barry Hughes for their presentations and confirmed that the finalised new Housing Strategy would be brought back to this Area Board in due course for information.


Supporting documents: