Agenda item

Community Grants

To consider nine grant applications for funding from the Community Grant Scheme, copies of the Grants Report and applications are attached.


Officer: Tom Bray, Community Area Manager.


The Board considered nine applications for funding from the Community Grant Scheme. Applicants in attendance were invited to speak in support of their application. The ward councillor for the area in which the project would take place also spoke, after discussion the Board voted on each application.



Pitton and Farley Parish Council were awarded £615 towards their project to purchase new children’s play equipment.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would be of benefit to the children from the area.



Morgan’s Vale and Woodfalls Primary School were awarded £215 towards their project to purchase water butts, with the following condition:

that the shortfall of £215 be match funded by the School, to enable the project to go ahead. Should the match funding not be available, the grant from the Community Area Grant Scheme would be withdrawn, and the applicant would be invited to reapply in the new financial year, after further information had been provided.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and provided an opportunity for children to be involved in a project which was aimed at teaching them the importance of protecting the environment.



Ebble Valley Short Mat Bowls Club were awarded £720 towards the purchase of three new bowls carpets.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would provide a useful facility for people in the community of all ages.



The application from Laverstock Gardening Club was refused.


There was a lack of community benefit and the applicant had access to sufficient reserve funds.



Downton Museum and Archive were awarded £890 towards their conservation project of local historical documents.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and the project would preserve the local history for generations to come.


It was suggested that the Applicant could produce an inventory, detailing what documents were available, where they were stored and how they could be accessed. The inventory could be kept at the Library for people to view.


The Board also agreed to write a letter to the Library service to ask them to store the archives to enable access by local people.



The Moot Preservation Trust was awarded £463 towards their project to repair the boundary wall.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and the facility was widely used by people of all ages in the community. However the applicant was awarded half of the amount requested on the application form as they had previously received funding from the SWAG scheme.



Clear Way was awarded £1,140 towards their bridleway, footpath and cycleway clearance and surface improvement project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and the facility was widely used by people of all ages in the community.



The Memorial Ground Trust (Whiteparish) was awarded £1,000 towards the purchase of children’s play equipment.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would be of benefit to the children in the community.


Councillor Randall left the room and did not vote for the application above.



The application from Downton Football Club was deferred, pending the club’s ability to demonstrate the formation of a youth team from the area.


At present, only six of the clubs sixty eight players were from the Downton area. The Board felt that the project did not benefit a large enough number of the Downton community and requested further evidence that the club could benefit the community.




Supporting documents: