Agenda item

Appointment to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To appoint members to Outside Bodies and Working Groups of the Area Boards.


The Board was asked to appoint representatives to Outside Bodies and to reconstitute and appoint to Working Groups for the year 2013/14 as outlined in the report presented. 


In considering the report the Board were asked to note that ‘Chippenham Borough Lands Charity’ should to be removed from the list, noting that the Charity sought recommendations only from the Board and not representatives of the Board itself.


Correspondence had also been received by the Senior Democratic Services Officer confirming that no further recommendations were being sought at this time. 


Cllr Peter Hutton, as an existing member of the Charity, confirmed that due to work commitments, he would be withdrawing as a member of the Charity.  Cllr Peter Hutton would be in contact with the Charity directly to inform them of this.




To remove Chippenham Borough Land Charity from the list of Outside Bodies.


To make the following Area Board appointments:


Outside Bodies


·         Chippenham Community Area Partnership – Cllr Park Packard

·         Chippenham Youth Advisory Group – Cllr Peter Hutton and Cllr Bill Douglas

·         Kingsley Road Community Hall Association – Cllr Nina Phillips

·         Lyneham Steering Group – Cllr Mark Packard

·         Chippenham Vision – Cllr Nick Watts

·         Cherish Chippenham – Cllr Nina Phillips

·         The Nature of It - Cllr Howard Greenman


Working Groups


·         Community Area Transport Group (CATG) - Cllr Howard Greenman, Cllr Nina Phillips, Cllr Linda Packard and Cllr Bill Douglas

·         Campus Development Team – Cllr Mark Packard.  Cllr Howard Greenman to deputise when required.

·         Chippenham Community Safety Group - Cllr Peter Hutton and Cllr Desna Allen

·         Skatepark Task Group - Cllr Peter Hutton, Cllr Howard Greenman and Cllr Chris Caswill

·         Older Peoples Development Working Group - Cllr Chris Caswill and Cllr Nina Phillips

Supporting documents: