Officers: Chief Executive (OPCC) and Chief Finance Officer (OPCC)
To receive quarterly data and exception reports on:
· Risk
· Performance, including a report on PCC attendance at area boards
· Finance, including an update on the Innovation Fund
The Commissioner introduced the Quarterly Report – Quarter 1 2013/14.
The Commissioner advised that the report aimed to provide the public and the Police and Crime Panel with an informative update about the progress made to deliver the priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan. The Commissioner thanked the PCP for looking at the OPCC’s Risk Register and advised the panel that the report was a living document, which was updated at two week intervals.
Risk Register: Kieran Kilgallen – Chief Executive of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner then went through the 20 recommendations which had been sent to the chairman of the panel and which was circulated at the meeting.
Points and questions raised included:
· Value for money – the PCC would take on board the PCP’s views on this.
· Resilience – may be an issue because of the recruitment of specialist services.
· What is the Audit Committee’s role in risk assessing?
a.None whatsoever under the new regime.
· Does IT assets mean technological assets?
a.Yes, which would involve better accounting and auditing of these assets.
Performance: Angus Macpherson advised that he and members of the OPCC had been out and about at various weekend events including the Salisbury Spectacular and the Emergency Services Show, to highlight the role of the PCC. The OPCC continues to have a presence at the Wiltshire Council Area Boards.
Reducing Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB): Chris McMullen – OPCC outlined the report.
Points made included:
· The panel felt that there needed to be a breakdown of the 8198 (Year to date figure) of crimes and anti-social behaviour incidents. In discussion it was felt that this might best be provided by giving PCP members access to the iQuanta recording system. OPCC would look into this.
· The Commissioner briefly outlined the role of the Special Constabulary in Wiltshire, and advised a new Police training scheme would shortly be starting in Swindon, it would then be rolled out to Chippenham and Salisbury.
· Wiltshire Police were commended for their focus on the concerns expressed by woman at night.
Protecting the most vulnerable in society
· Cllr Hutton made the point that rogue traders caused a good deal of distress to many vulnerable people in our society.
Putting victims and witnesses first
· The -15.4% “Victims referred to victims support” was noted by the panel.
Reducing offending and re-offending
· The panel felt that the “reducing offending and re-offending” data should be recorded quarterly.
OPCC was asked to include quarterly KSI (Killed and Seriously Injured) figures for road casualties.
Driving up the standards of customer service
Professor Johns advised that:
· That there had been seventeen appeals against findings of Wiltshire Police’s investigations into complaints.
· Two had been upheld.
· Seven had not been upheld.
· Four taking no further action.
· Everything investigated - strict legal criteria to be met by complaints - four were not considered valid.
· Two were under consideration.
· Three investigations into complaints against the Chief Constable.
· Two were not upheld.
· One had chosen not to complain, one that has gone to IPCC.
· One under investigation.
· One grievance had been taken by another force, expecting the report to be finalised in about eight weeks.
· Annualised stats show drop in complaints 463 August 2012 to 332 August 2013.
· Conduct cases - don't have meaningful figures - conduct regime changed by law in 2012. It has been on the increase from 21 to 28 – there are no major concerns, but would need to look over a longer time span to come to any firm conclusions.
· Anti-corruption - no cases which might require PCC to refer to IPCC, work intelligence based.
· IPCC referrals - PCC right in law to refer matters to the IPCC, no cases judged to be necessary.
There followed a five minute break.
Ensuring unfailing and timely response to calls for assistance.
· The figure of 56.8% level of public satisfaction with police visibility was noted.
Unlocking the resources to deliver
· The Panel requested that this data be taken as a separate agenda item at future meetings.
Kieran Kilgallen outlined the Wiltshire Police Budget Monitoring Report.
· It was agreed that the 2013 accounts would be circulated to all panel members when available.
The chairman reminded the PCC of his undertaking that the panel will be put in the position of being able to review his precept proposal in the context of his overall budget and any changes to his Police and Crime Plan.
Innovation Fund
The Commission outlined the report which was noted.
Points made:
· Wiltshire Police Outbox scheme – A multi-agency scheme to refer young people to boxing clubs and to support, guide and mentor them. The scheme would give individuals a positive focus, reducing their anti-social and/or criminal behaviour. The first areas to be covered would be Swindon, Devizes, Trowbridge and Marlborough, with Chippenham rolled out in due course.
Supporting documents: