Agenda item

12/04038/FUL - Marden Farm Cottages, Rookery Park, Calne, SN11 0LH

A report by the case officer is attached.


Public Participation:


      Anne Henshaw, spoke in objection to the application

      Derek Warnett, representing a local residents association, spoke in objection to the application

      Mark Jackson, planning agent, spoke in support of the application


The Planning Officer introduced the report which recommended refusal with reasons.  He explained that the planning application was a Hybrid Application Comprising: A Full Planning Application for a Specialist Dementia Care Facility Comprising of 75 Dementia Care Beds and a 10 Bed Palliative Care Unit with Associated Service Building, Visitor and Staff Parking and Associated Service Access and Landscaping. Outline Proposal for Residential Development Comprising of up to 125 Units with Affordable Housing, Associated Parking, Gardens, Amenity Space and Public Open Space, Community Orchard, Allotments, Ecological Enhancements, Sustainable Drainage and Vehicular Access Off Stockley Lane. All Matters Except for Access Reserved for Future Consideration.


Members of the Committee were informed that the application was contrary to the adopted development plan and core policy 2 of the emerging core strategy in relation to the outline element of the application.  However, the element of the application relating to the nursing home accommodation was considered to be consistent with emerging Core Policy 46.  It was noted that the Council could not separate the application into components by granting permission for the nursing home element whilst refusing permission for the new dwellinghouses. 


Members then raised a number of technical issues in relation to a letter from the applicant that referred to a 119 bed nursing home.  The officer confirmed that the application received was for an 85 bed nursing home.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to address the Committee with their views, as detailed above.


The local members, Councillor Christine Crisp and Councillor Alan Hill, then spoke in objection to the application.  They stressed that the site was a green field site, was outside the defined Settlement Framework Boundary and contrary to Policy H4 of the adopted North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011; There was a lack of local infrastructure and the need for an 85 bed nursing home in Calne had not been proved and there were similar facilities were available in other local towns.  


The Committee then considered the application and debated a number of issues.  There was concern that the application was not sustainable on the south side of Calne, that it raised issues of more than local importance, that the infrastructure of Calne was not adequate to keep up with the development of more new homes, the high level of local objection, the proposed entrance to the site was not adequate and the effect of additional traffic on air quality.    



That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.     In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), this planning application has been processed in a proactive way. However, due to technical objections or the proposal’s failure to comply with the development plan and/or the NPPF as a matter of principle, the local planning authority has had no alternative other than to refuse planning permission.


By reason of the proposed development being located in the open countryside, outside of the defined Settlement Framework Boundary, the application would be contrary to the provisions of Policy H4 of the adopted North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011. There are no material considerations in terms of benefits that could be delivered as part of the development, which would be sufficient to outweigh development plan policy.


2.    The proposal is premature to the progression of Wiltshire’s Local Development Framework (LDF) and the Wiltshire Core Strategy document for the area, and prejudicial to the Council’s plan-led approach to sustainable development and the phasing of future growth. In accordance with the NPPF there is a deliverable 5 year supply of land for housing in place and there are no other material considerations that outweigh this position. It is also premature in terms of the identification and means of delivery in respect of any infrastructure in step with development to be focused in Calne over the plan period. As such, the balance of considerations is such that planning permission should not be granted having regard to polices CP2 and CP8 of the Draft Wiltshire Core Strategy and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, in particular at paragraphs 12, 14, 17, 47, 49, 150, 183, 184, 185, 196, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216.


3.    The proposed development fails to provide or secure adequate provision for affordable and/or extra care housing, public open space, play equipment and footpath connections to the town adjoining school and leisure centre, all of which should take place on the site. In addition, the proposal fails to secure contributions towards education provision in the locality, contributions towards public transport, contributions towards leisure provision, contributions towards improving cemetery capacity, contributions towards waste collection as well as the lack of a scheme or



1.    The Council and the applicant have undertaken detailed and without prejudice negotiation and discussion as to the package of community infrastructure that would be expected to be delivered as part of the development in the event of planning permission being granted. It is understood that the Council and applicant have reached broad agreement of the likely Heads of Terms that would form an agreement under s106 of The Act and that the package of community infrastructure would comply with Regulation 122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. In the event of such an agreement under s106 of The Act being satisfactorily reached, reason for refusal 03 would be addressed.


2.    The applicant's attention is drawn to the Air Quality Management Area now designated for the centre of Calne (in two areas: Curzon Street/Wood Street and New Road).  These have been designated because of identified pollution levels in excess of the mean annual objective of the 2008 Ambient Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC).  There is local concern that vehicle movements associated with the proposed development could add to the exceedence of prescribed air quality objectives already identified within the Council’s own air quality and review process.  For this reason, it is requested that the applicant give some thought to the measures that could be incorporated into the proposed development to address these potential concerns.


Supporting documents: