Agenda item

Spotlight on Parishes and Partners

To receive updates from our key partners, parish and town councils and community groups. 


Updates from partners were received as follows:


Parish and Town Councils


Latton Parish council


·       Were now ready to publish their Parish Plan, the Chairman invited representatives from Latton PC to give a presentation at a future Area Board meeting on their experiences of putting together their Parish Plan.



Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council


·       Thanked the Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service for their prompt action in dealing with the recent fire at the Cross Keys public house.



Cricklade Town Council


·       Neighbourhood Plan - The Working Party has been doing a lot of work, following the public consultation in April 2013, and met with members of the newly formed focus group last week.  The Focus Groups, covering Housing, Public Open Spaces and Business, Traffic and Town Centre will be meeting over the next few months to consider all the local evidence, the results of the surveys and local public opinion and will prepare a draft Neighbourhood Plan under the guidance of the Working Party. 


·       Benchmarking with Action for Market Towns - Cricklade enters its second year of the scheme, along with other market towns in Wiltshire.  Evidence collected will be used to enhance tourism, make suggestions for improving the local economy and as a measure to ensure that initiatives are producing results.


·       Councillor Vacancy - Following the recent election Cricklade Town Council was notified of a resignation from a newly elected councillor, and this vacancy will hopefully be filled at the end of July.


·       Walkers are Welcome - Our Tourism Working Party is recruiting a local volunteer to help raise Cricklade’s reputation as an important destination for walkers.  The town is hoping to secure Walkers are Welcome status which will benefit those visiting the area and enjoying the Thames Path, as well as adding to the vibrancy and economy of the town.  This is a community led scheme and it would be great to have links with other neighbouring parishes who participate in the scheme. To find out more visit


·       Get Wiltshire Walking - Approximately 20 walkers meet each week in Cricklade to participate in a local walks, led by trained walk leaders.  On 19th July over 75 walkers who are members of other walking groups in and around Wiltshire will be coming to Cricklade to enjoy one short walk and a long walk, as well as taking in some of the other sites of the town, including the museum. 


·       Cricklade In Bloom Competition - Cricklade continues to blossom following its “Champion of Champions” success in the RHS Britain in Bloom 2011 competition. The Town Council is judging a variety of planting categories and encouraging children to participate with gardens to attract bees and butterflies. 


·       Heritage Trail - The Heritage Trail is nearing completion with new display boards being added to the town on a regular interval.  The town council continues to offer free parking throughout the town and is enhancing the car parks with new signage.


·       RWB and Cricklade Towns and Villages Trail - This new leaflet, published by Visit Wiltshire, is now available in TICs and as a downloadable map –


·       Path at Long Close - Phase one of the enhancement programme has been completed with grants from the PIG Scheme and S106 money.  This has enabled a large area of undeveloped land to be brought back into public recreational use and further investigative ground work will take place on this Scheduled Monument over the coming months. Phase two will see further clearing work towards Hall Close.


·       Eastern Roundabout - The large roundabout on the eastern side of the town is undergoing a face lift with extensive planting and signage to provide a more attractive welcome for visitors to Cricklade.


·       Jenner Hall held a celebration recently following completion of their Raise the Roof Appeal, which saw them achieve their goal of raising sufficient funds to replace their stone roof.


·       Twinning Trip - Twenty Six Cricklade residents recently participated in a most enjoyable cultural exchange trip when they visited Suce- sur- Erdre in the Loire Valley in France.  The Twinning Association is busy throughout the year, fundraising for the next visit which will see Suce residents visit Cricklade in 2014.


·       Cricklade Festival - This annual event continues to excel and this year’s theme of Cricklade Goes to Hollywood brought out a fabulous selection of stalls, side shows and acts, and of course a large and enthusiastic (though slightly damp!) crowd. 



Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – Mike Franklin & Group Manager Ian Jeary


The written update was noted with the following points made:


·       That the public should be aware of the dangers of lighting Chinese Lanterns in rural areas, around thatched building and barns.


·       That investigations were ongoing re the recent fire at the Cross Keys public house, a temporary shelter would be erected over the roof of the building. Structural surveys had been carried out on adjoining buildings.


Enterprise Inns, owners of the Cross Keys would be giving a written report to Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council, which could then be  forwarded to the Area Board.


The Area Board also thanked the Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service for their prompt action in dealing with the fire at the Cross Keys public house.



Wiltshire Police

The written update was noted with Sector Inspector Mark Thompson making the following points:


·       That the sector had 5.6% fewer crimes in the rolling 12 months than the previous 12 months.


·       Lots of good work being carried out by the local Neighbourhood Police Teams in the area.


·       The need to be vigilant re open ground floor doors and windows during the hot weather.



NHS Wiltshire

The written updates were noted.



Chambers of Commerce


·       The leaflet which was distributed at the last Area Board meeting was now available at the Chamber of Commerce office.



Community Groups


Royal Wootton Bassett Rugby Club


·       That the new facility was expected to be open for use during early September 2013.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.

Supporting documents: