Agenda item

Community Area Transport Group

An update and any recommendations arising from the Community Area Transport Group.


The Community Area Transport Group had now been joined by Cllr Philip Whitehead, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Streetscene and by Rob Edwards as a rural parish representative from Potterne.


It was reported that:


·         The cost of some symbolic gates on the Whistley Road in the Potterne area would be shared with the Parish Council in the hope of slowing traffic down.  The gates would also provide and opportunity to mark the otherwise unlabeled hamlet of Whistley.  The cost to the CATG would be about £1.500.

·         A request for some pedestrian crossings in West Lavington and Littleton Panell had been investigated by officers.  The CATG has agreed in principle that a zebra crossing could be provided to be paid for by Dauntsey’s School and four informal crossings the cost of which would be shared by the CATG and the Parish Council which would amount to about £5,000 for each party.  There had since been some need to claridy what this would deliver so further discussions may be necessary.

·         It had also been agreed that some H bars would be painted in West Lavington to deter parking in unsuitable places following a recent incident where the air ambulance had to be called because the normal ambulance could not get to the victim.

·         A petition had been presented at the last meeting regarding the pedestrian crossing on the Bath Road, Devizes where a fatal accident had occurred earlier in the year.  The coroner’s report was still awaited.  In addition, however, there had been some suggestion that the crossing does not actually serve the needs of the area since Browfort closed so the CATG has asked the Town Council to review the pedestrian needs along this whole stretch of road.

·         The Town Council was also being asked to consider proposals for cycle parking in various locations put forward by Cycle Devizes who had produced a very useful map and display.

·         Cllr Peter Evans had agreed to undertake some local consultation about options to deter the use of Rotherstone as a rat run.

·         The outcome of the speed limit reviews on the C20 Black Dog to Seend road via Worton and the C8 Horton Road to Alton Barnes were still awaited and would be reported at the September meeting.

·         A coach park in the West Central Car Park still looks some way off and the cost looks like being high so officers have been asked to look at the possibility of providing space for tourist coaches on New Park Street.

·         A review of the town bus services was about to get underway and would be funded by the Area Board using Section 106 money but the review itself would be managed by DCAP.  The Area Board thanked DCAP and, in particular, Kate Freeman, for all the work that had been put into this.

·         The Air Quality Steering Group meets next week so there will also be a report on that at the September meeting.



To accept and approve the CATG report.