Agenda item

W/13/00644/FUL: Saracens House, Corton, Warminster, Wiltshire


Public Participation:

      Will Dobson, local resident, spoke in objection to the application


The Area Planning Manager introduced the report which recommended planning permission be granted with conditions. He explained that the planning application was to carry out demolition of an existing outbuilding and erection of a car port and stores with office accommodation over.


The key issues were stated to include the replacement building, the impact on neighbourhood amenity and the impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and conservation area. 


Members then raised a number of technical issues in relation to the relevant planning history and clarification of the location of the main dwellinghouse on the site and in relation to the proposed outbuilding.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to address the Committee with their views, as detailed above.


The local member, Councillor Christopher Newbury, then spoke to the application.


The Committee then considered the application and debated a number of

issues. A number of members felt that it was important for the existing outbuilding to be demolished prior to the proposed development being constructed.



To approve the application for the following reason(s):


The decision to grant planning permission has been taken on the grounds that the proposed development would not cause any significant harm to interests of acknowledged importance and having regard to the National Planning Policy Framework and the following policies and proposals in the West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004 namely Saved Policies C2, C17, C31A and C38.


In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Wiltshire Council has worked proactively to secure this development to ensure that there would be no significant harm to the character and appearance of the dwelling and no harm to neighbouring amenity.



Subject to the following condition(s):


1       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


          REASON:  To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2       The materials to be utilised within  this development shall accord with the schedule of materials as described within the planning application form, dated  11 April 2013. 


          REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the area.


          POLICY: West Wiltshire District Plan – 1st Alteration 2004 – Policy C31A


3                                      The development hereby permitted shall not be first brought into use until the first five metres of the access, measured from the edge of the carriageway, has been consolidated and surfaced (not loose stone or gravel). The access shall be maintained as such thereafter.


          REASON: In the interests of highway safety.


4       The garage shall remain as permanent ancillary accommodation to the principal dwelling of  Saracens House, Corton and shall be occupied by the same household, it shall not be subdivided, let or sold as separate accommodation. 


          REASON: Because this permission is granted having regard to the particular circumstances advanced in support of the development, by the applicant.


5        No development shall commence until the existing outbuildings and garage block shown as being demolished/removed on plan THOM20-01A Rev A dated 23/05/2013 and received on 29/05/2013 have been demolished and the materials removed from the site.


REASON: To protect the character and appearance of the area and the amenity of the adjacent property.



6       The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plan/s:


          Drawing number THOM20-01A received on 29 May 2013

          Drawing number THOM20-02  received on 11 April 2013


          REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans that have been judged to be acceptable by the local planning authority.


Supporting documents: