Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


(a)       Pewsey Area Campus Team


Curly Haskell confirmed that since the previous update the team had received details of the pool survey which had raised some maintenance issues.  The team expected to receive further options shortly. 


The team also continued to work towards developing multi use space, shared with the school.  Planning permission was being sought and it was hoped that the area would be ready for use later in the Spring.


(b)       Wiltshire Police


            Matt Armstrong referred the meeting to the written update in the agenda which gave a flavour of what the team were trying to achieve in the Pewsey community area. 


            The performance figures highlighted in the report demonstrated that reported crimes were heading in the right direction other than for vehicle crime with the public reminded to remove valuables from their vehicles.


            A recent meeting had taken place to discuss East Grafton byways.  It was now likely that a further temporary closure would be put in place before a request for permanent closure was sent to the Secretary of State.


(c)        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            Jason Underwood, of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, referred the meeting to the written update and clarified as follows:


The Public Safety Plan had been issued and highlighted that the Pewsey vale area had been classified as above risk in terms of call out.  Further details were provided in the Plan which could be found via the following link:


Paul Egan, of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, was also in attendance to provide an update following concerns raised regarding recruitment.  Paul confirmed that the Service was required to recruit within set guidelines, including minimum academic standards. 


The Service was currently working on a recruitment plan and would welcome input from the Board.  The Service was looking at ways in which they could help interested parties in reaching the academic requirement to enable them to apply at a later date.


Paul also highlighted that retained fire fighters were required to either live or work within 5 miles of the fire station.


Paul Egan was invited back to the Board in six months time to give an update on the latest recruitment position relating to the Pewsey area.


(d)       NHS Wiltshire


No update was provided.


(e)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Patrick Wilson of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) gave an update on the work of PCAP.  This included:


Emma Barron (PCAP Coordinator) had recently resigned to take up a full time position.  Susie Brew had now been appointed to the position and had already commenced work.


PCAP would be co-hosting the JSA event in February and would use the outcome of this to help identify future projects.


The core activity of PCAP would be to provide engagement with parish councils on a continuing basis with a quarterly survey to help identify issues of importance to them.


Following questions received, Patrick confirmed that details of the precise role of PCAP would be circulated within the new few weeks.


 (f)       Parish Councils


Woodborough Parish Council – A representative had attended the last meeting of the CATG where discussion on 20mph restrictions took place.  It was understood that CATG were collating requests and would be putting forward to the Board a proposal in due course.


 (g)      Pewsey Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)


Karen Brown provided an update to the Board, which included that the next meeting would be taking place on 22 January.  The meeting would be looking at future fundraising activities that could take place.


The Group were also starting to plan for the next ‘Have a Go’ Carnival and would be contacting those who were involved last year shortly.


The Group were also aware that a report on youth services was expected to be considered by Wiltshire Council on 21 January and were therefore hoping to be able to discuss the outcome at their next meeting.


(h)       Good Neighbours Scheme


The updated provided in the agenda pack was noted.


(i)        Army Rebasing


The update provided in the pack was noted.  This included details of a stakeholder event held on 27 November for the most affected community groups.  It was noted that an invitation to this event had not been extended to those within the Pewsey or Rushall areas.


Cllr Paul Oatway confirmed that he would request that future events would be extended accordingly, although it was noted that the impact would be higher for the Tidworth and Bulford communities.

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