Agenda item

Growth Fund and Falling Roles Fund

a)    To review the spend on the Growth Fund 2013/14 and;

b)    Review initial considerations regarding the Falling Roles Fund 2014/15.


Growth Fund


The Strategic Financial Manager, Grant Davis, outlined the Allocation of Funding for Pupil Growth 2014-15 report which documented the proposal for allocating funding for the pupil growth fund from the centrally retained growth fund for 2014-15.


The report outlined the background to the growth fund and changes to DfE Guidance for 2014-15 which would render current allocations of the Growth Fund as non-compliant. The report contained proposals to revise the Wiltshire criteria to allocate in year growth for infant class size as in year growth can only be reflected if it is due to basic need or infant class size requirements.


The centrally retained budget for the Growth Fund was set by the Forum in December 2012 for an amount of £1.1 million.


The report outlined the proposed criteria which include:

  • a New School Allowance for newly opened schools based on a teacher to pupil ratio and a top-up value. Funding would also be inclusive of an estimate of the new pupil intake for the forthcoming academic year.
  • Class Expansion for Basic Need whereby funding is provided for additional classes to meet a basic need identified by the Local Authority. The definition of Expansion was that of a building project or mobile classroom.
  • Finally changes to Infant Class Size Increases were outlined as being applicable to KS1 elements only.


The forum expressed frustration at the required change from the Education Funding Agency relating to the in year growth factor, and discussed the affordability of the proposed changes. It was agreed that the proposals would release approximately £0.250 million compared with the 2013-14 budget which could be allocated to other priorities.


At the end of the discussion, the forum;




a)    To agree to amend the criteria for funding Basic Need Expansion to include the ability to fund schools where the LA has requested them to increase their PAN regardless of whether there is a building project being undertaken.


b)    To set the budget for pupil growth in 2014-15 at £0.848 million.


c)    To amend the criteria for funding in year pupil growth, so that only growth making schools that are compliant with Infant Class Size regulations can be funded.


Falling Rolls Fund


The Strategic Financial Manager, Grant Davis, presented the Falling Rolls Fund 2014-15 report which outlined changes to regulations that allow local authorities to fund and provide short term protection to schools with falling numbers on roll. The Forum was asked to discuss the implementation of a falling Rolls fund for 2014/15.


The Strategic Financial Manager outlined the key requirements of the fund which were that:


-       The falling rolls fund be restricted to population increases expected in 2-3 years in necessary schools classified by OFSTED as good or outstanding. It must not be used to prop up unpopular or failing schools.


-       Any funds remaining at the end of the financial year must be added to the following year’s DSG and reallocated to maintained schools and academies through the local formula.


-       Local authorities be required to produce criteria on which any falling rolls funding is to be allocated. This should provide a transparent and consistent basis for the allocation of funding.


-       Local authorities propose the criteria to the Schools Forum and gain its agreement before funding is allocated.


The Strategic Financial Manager outlined the analysis that had been completed, based upon schools within Wiltshire which showed that:


-       from 2011 to 2012, 94 schools had a drop in pupil number;

-       from 2012 to 2013 the drop was 100 schools; and,

-       from 2011 to 2013 there were 52 schools that had a drop in pupil numbers year on year.


The most common percentage band drop in pupils across all school phases was 0 - 5%. The analysis also detailed five schools with more than a 10% drop in pupil numbers year-on-year across two years, with each of these having received an OFSTED rating of either inadequate or satisfactory / requires improvement.


Based on the analysis, dialogue with other Local Authorities and DfE requirements, the Strategic Financial Manager outlined the proposed criteria for the Falling Rolls Fund policy as follows:


-       Must have had a falling number on roll for a minimum of 2 years based on the autumn term census


-       Number on roll must have fallen by more than 5% in both of the previous 2 years.


-       Must have an OFSTED rating of good or outstanding.  The OFSTED ratings will be taken from the most recent inspection at the October census date prior to the start of the financial year.


-       The forecast pupil data, for the school planning area, must show the school is expected to have an increase in pupil numbers by the end of the 3 years (2016/17 to 2017/18 based on a 2014/15 base year)


The Strategic Financial Manager then outlined the calculations for forecast data based on a School level capacity (SCAP) return, which is an EFA requirement for Local Authorities.


The methodology for calculating the fund was discussed by the Forum, which discussed a threshold of 5% of pupil numbers, with the higher rate calculated for year on year falls. The forum discussed the methodology and costing implications of the Falling Rolls Fund, and the difficulty in relying on the SCAP as a predictor of growth. Mr John Hawkins spoke in support of the fund noting in particular the importance of the fund in retaining staff and preventing the initiation of a downward spiral. At the end of the debate the forum;




To not utilise a Falling Rolls Fund to support schools with Falling Rolls in 2014-15, and consequently, not develop a Falling Rolls Policy.

Supporting documents: