Agenda item

Dedicated Schools Grant and Schools Budget 2014-15

To discuss the detail of the schools funding settlement for 2014-15 and consider the implications for the Wiltshire schools budget. Schools Forum will also consider budget proposals for 2014-15 for the overall schools budget including cost pressures and savings proposals. 


The Head of Finance outlined the Schools Funding Settlement and Budget Proposals for 2014-15. The report contained the schools funding settlement for 2014-15 which included details of the Pupil Premium and Dedicated Schools Grant.


The Forum discussed the Pupil Premium and the ‘Ever 6’ arrangements which had been proposed to be set at £1,300 for Primary and £935 for Secondary. The Forum also discussed the premium for looked after children and pupils who had been adopted from care will attract a premium of £1,900. It was stated that the total allocation of the premium in Wiltshire would exceed £13.3 million in 2014-15.


The Head of Finance outlined the changes to the Dedicated Schools Grant which was stated as being £303.92 million. The Forum discussed the breakdown of the allocation into Schools, Early Years and High Needs. The forum noted that whilst the DSG settlement represented an increase of £0.805 compared with 2013-14, it reflected upward and downward adjustments within some of the budgets. The Forum discussed the Minimum Funding Guarantee of -1.5% per pupil, which represented a cap on reduction in funding per pupil before any premiums are added.


The Forum discussed the impact on Early Years funding, in particular focussing on the increase in provision for 2 year olds that is covered by the grant. The forum discussed the affordability of the current £5.43 hourly rate with a 25p set -up  allowance, and considered the affordability of continuing the current hourly rate  and the impact of removing the 25p set-up allowance. It was considered that by removing the 25p set up, the cost of provision for 2 year olds would be reduced from £3.657 million to 3.496 million giving a saving of around £160k and that this would enable the hourly rate of £5.43 to be continued in 2014-15. The Forum discussed rolling forwards the previous years underspend, to support any continuation of the hourly rate.


The Forum then discussed the breakdown of the DSG on the Schools Block and its impact on High Needs. The Forum also noted the previous discussions on Falling Rolls Fund and Growth Fund. Particular concern was noted around the funding formula’s ability to fund special schools with parity. The Forum discussed provisions for pre and post 16 high needs, focussing on the source for the data used in the calculation of the figures. A discussion was held on supporting high needs pupils through into reception, and how funding for this could be arranged. A debate was also held on the funding triggers for High Needs and the cost implications for any amendment to the arrangements. At the end of the discussions, the Forum;




a.     That any increase in DSG arising from the January early years census be allocated to the EYSFF budget to support increases in population and take up of places.


b.    To agree an hourly rate for 2 year old places of £5.43;


c.     To remove the set up allowance of 25p per hour applied to places for 2 year olds from April 2014;


d.    To roll forward any underspend against the funding allocation for 2 year old places to support the continuation of the hourly rate in future years.


e.     To make no change to the hourly rate for 3 & 4 year olds;


f.      To agree the assumptions to be used in calculating the delegated budget as outlined in the report;


g.    To set the Top-up rates for Resource Bases and ELP as follows;


Resource Base Band:      1                           2                            3

                                        £10,823                  £5,881                    £2,920


ELP Band:                                                     ELP2                      ELP1

                                                                      £5,881                    £2,920


h.    To note the work being carried out to finalise top up rates for special schools, and to agree final rates at the March meeting;


i.       To agree the budget for the post-16 top up budget and to set it at the level allocated within the funding settlement;


j.       To allocate £0.150m from the DSG Reserve to support the proposal to fund Hard to Place pupils;


k.     To formalise a proposal for consideration at the next meeting for a fund to support the transition of pupils with high needs in to Reception, to be funded in 2014-15 from the DSG Reserve;


l.       To set the overall schools budget at £303.919 million including the agreed utilisation of the DSG reserve to support Hard to Place Pupils. This figure was not inclusive of the 150k that would be utilised from DSG Reserves to support the Hard to Place pupils (as in j above).

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