Agenda item

Standards Committee Recommendations on Changes to the Constitution

Report by the Associate Director, Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer incorporating recommendations from the Standards Committee on revisions to the Wiltshire Council Constitution.


This item was deferred by Council at its meeting on 12 November 2013, pending a briefing on the changes for all councillors which has been arranged for 30 January 2014. This now includes a further recommendation from the Standards Committee  made since the last meeting of Council.


As requested at the last Council meeting, a briefing session for members was held on 30 January 2014 to go through the detail of the proposed changes as recommended by the Standards Committee. Members thanked Ian Gibbons, Monitoring Officer for the excellent briefing held and suggested that similar briefings be arranged in respect of future changes.


Cllr Julian Johnson, Chairman of the Standards Committee presented a report which detailed the proposed changes together with the necessary documents from the constitution with tracked changes for ease of reference. Cllr Johnson moved the proposed changes and this was duly seconded by Cllr John Noeken.




a)        That Council approve the recommended changes to the following documents of the constitution as presented:


Protocol 2 - Councillor/ Officer Relations

Protocol 3 - Guidance to Members on Outside Bodies

Protocol 4 - Planning Code of Good Practice

Part 5 - Access to Information Procedure Rules

b)        That Council agree:


 i.                NottoamendtheCodeof Conduct toimposea requirementto register additionalinterestsoverandabovethestatutory disclosablepecuniary interests,but torelyon theexisting provisionsoftheCode,inparticular, paragraph 6, and guidance from the DCLG‘Openness andtransparency on personal  interestsandto drawthisguidance  totheattentionof parish, townandcitycouncils.


ii.       ToamendtheCouncil’sConstitutiontorequirecouncillorswitha disclosablepecuniaryinterest towithdrawfroma meeting in their capacity as a councillor when business relating totheirinterestisbeing considered.


iii.      NottomakeanychangestotheCodeofConduct ongifts and hospitalityon thebasisthattheexistingprovisionisadequate.







Supporting documents: