Agenda item

13/04201/FUL - Ellbridge Farm, Lower South Wraxall, Bradford On Avon, Wiltshire, BA15 2RR


Public Participation

Mr Adam Tucker spoke in support of the application.

Mr David Ingram spoke in support of the application.


The Area Team Leader (ATL) outlined the report which recommended the application for refusal. The ATL stated that the application was for retrospective permission for a wooden structure on agricultural land. The ATL outlined the site description and proposals, and focussed on the relevant planning policy. This was said to be: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and West Wiltshire District Plan First Alteration 2004 H19: Development in the Open Countryside. The ADM focussed on the agricultural consultants report which recommended that the business model did not support a viable prosperous and sustainable business.


Members were given the opportunity to ask technical questions of the application, and particular focus was given to the sustainability of the business given the lack of a viable business model and failure to provide additional supporting documentation to the agricultural consultant. Members also questioned the nature of the Parish Councils objection as it was mentioned that the objection was a result of a bureaucratic requirement to indicate a comment on the consultative document.


Members of the public were given an opportunity to address the Committee (as detailed above). Cllr Carbin had called the item to committee as he believed that the business supported the local economy, and was given the chance to address the committee as the local member.


After receiving comments from the public, the Committee debated the applications merit, focussing on the business’ viability and contribution to the local economy. The Committee also questioned the agricultural consultant’s report stating that it appeared to contradict itself. The Committee noted that the site required an occupant to manage the land, but did not agree with the consultant comments regarding the current occupants attempt to start a business located on the site. The Committee were sympathetic with attempts to support the local economy and following debate, the Committee;




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1. The occupation of the timber chalet hereby permitted shall only be by the applicant (Mr. Adam Tucker) and his resident dependants, whilst he is solely or mainly working in the locality in agriculture or in forestry. When the timber chalet ceases to be occupied by the applicant; or, he is no longer solely or mainly employed in agriculture in  the  locality;  or,  at  the  end  of  three  years  from  the  date  of  this  permission, whichever event occurs first, the residential use hereby permitted shall cease and the timber chalet and other structures, vehicles, materials and equipment brought on to the land or works undertaken to it in connection with the use, shall be removed and the site restored to its condition before the development took place.


REASON: Permission would not normally be granted for this development because the site is in an area where residential development is not normally permitted unless there is a proven essential need for agricultural or forestry purposes; and to allow the local planning authority to review whether such a need has been established at the end of the limited period specified.


2. Within six months of the date of this permission, the accesses to the site shall have been built in accordance with the approved access plan PL3072/2A, dated 5th July 2013.


REASON: To ensure that there is satisfactory access to the development, in the interests of highway safety.


3. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the hereby approved plans (other than where amended by details submitted to and approved in writing in any subsequent discharge of planning condition application(s):


Location Plan Drawing No. PL3072/1, received 5th July 2013

Plans and Elevations Drawing No. PL3072/3, received 5th July 2013


REASON: In order to define the terms of this permission.

Supporting documents: