Agenda item

Quarterly Data

The Chief Executive (OPCC) and Chief Finance Officer (OPCC) will present quarterly data and exception reports on:


·         Risk

·         Performance, including a report on PCC attendance at area boards and performance of the PCC’s Innovation Fund.

·         Complaints

·         Finance


Quarterly data and exception reports were presented by the Chief Executive and Commissioner.  Following questions received information was provided as detailed below.


The Risk Register was monitored every 2 weeks, the classifications given altered accordingly by the Commissioner and were subject to review by the Audit Committee.  Those categorised as ‘red’ were given priority consideration by the management team.  Apologies were provided that the key detailing the classification of the categories was not included for reference.


The Panel were informed that point 8 ‘Collaboration (Benefits)’ was given a ‘red’ rating due in part to the difficulties experienced in joined up working with neighbouring forces in some areas.  This had been explored in February and Commissioners had now been requested to put forward ideas on future working arrangements. 


The Commissioner had met with the Chief Finance Officer and was assured that the IT system was secure and was now working effectively. 


Details of the audit on equipment was still awaited but was expected to provide clarity on any missing equipment.


The classification of ‘red’ against ‘Whistle blowing’ raised concern.  It was understood that the constabulary policy had now been agreed and would be available on the Force website.  The OPCC policy which was being developed by Expolink Europe would need to be broader and therefore the policy was still in development.  The Chief Executive would circulate details of the OPCC Policy to Panel members once available.


The second stage transfer of a large number of operational staff was the main factor in the scoring given to ‘Maintenance of an Efficient and Effective Force’.


The fall in the number of special constables was thought to be a contributing factor in the performance of the reducing crime and anti-social behaviour. 


The Police and Crime Plan set a threshold of 24,700 in total crime figures in 2013/14 with a benchmark of no more than 30,000 by 2017 and the Chief Constable was reassured that the recording of these figures was in line with National Crime recording measures.


The recording of hours worked by Special Constables remained a challenge. This was in part due to the transfer to a new recording system which did not include backdated data.  The new system should provide more accurate data by the end of the financial year.


In the first 9 months of the year 603 offences were recorded as serious harm crime against a threshold of 542.  This was due to an increase in the number of serious sexual offences which made up 70% of this grouping.  This reflected national figures which had also increased.


The resolution of many crimes (44.4% against a threshold of 48.8%) were as a result of restorative justice in the form of community resolutions.  These had been piloted before any guidance published.


A range of measures had been used to ensure licensed premises were meeting their obligations.  Within a 9 month period there had been 46 interventions by licensing officers.  4,194 licensed premises checks had been carried out by police or licensing officers during this period.  The reduction is understood to have been caused by some officers not recording the checks.


88 complaints had been received against a year to date threshold of 92 and were recorded as per the IPCC requirement within 10 days.  Although not in the Plan measures of public satisfaction in terms of delivering an efficient and effective service were also monitored via a twice yearly survey.  The autumn data was currently being analysed.


Two separate pieces of work had been commissioned which included victim support.  This should result in a detailed and interactive pathway for victims to navigate the justice system confidently.


From 1 April 2015 NHS England would take over the responsibility of commissioning health services.  The OPCC were now looking to identify the services and where gaps may arise.


At a recent performance review meeting a reduction of those being held under S136 in custody suites was reported.  To date this year none had been reported. 


The addendum to the Police and Crime Plan was expected to come to the Panel in June together with the Annual Report. 


Operation Harness had resulted in more robust policing and it was felt that this was likely to be the cause for the increase in the number of complaints received.  An explanation of the complaints procedure was given which was regulated by the IPCC.  The procedure itself was available on line but details would also be sent for circulation to the Panel members.


In noting concerns raised in relation to the transfer of responsibility for low and medium risk offenders to a newly formed Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) the Commissioner agreed to the circulation to Panel members of a briefing paper on the proposals following the meeting.


The Commissioner confirmed that the quarterly report was felt to be a true reflection of Wiltshire Police and that the thresholds set were appropriate. 

Although Wiltshire performance had been categorised as fair (amber), the Commissioner confirmed that this had been the third year in which monitoring had been consistently applied and it was suggested that the Panel may wish to focus on those categorised as red.  It was noted that the scorecard itself was specific to Wiltshire only. 


With reference made to the information provided on agency staff, the Chief Executive confirmed that there was a continued drive to reduce this figure wherever possible.  The figure provided for other employee costs included the cost of redundancy.  These were effectively one off costs but as future budget cuts were expected this cost was likely to reoccur.


The Chairman thanked the Commissioner and Chief Executive for the information provided.

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