Agenda item

Better Care Plan

Maggie Rae (Wiltshire Council) and Deborah Fielding (CCG) will present a report providing details on the proposed management of the Better Care Plan for the Board’s consideration.  This arises following the submission of the draft Plan to NHS England on 14 February.


Noting that feedback is still awaited from NHS England on the draft submitted and that the final Plan is required by 4 April, the Board may be asked to delegate authority to the Chair and Vice Chair to make any required changes.  These would be reported to the next meeting of the Board on 22 May 2014.


Debra Elliott, representing NHS England, will be in a position to provide verbal feedback on the Plan at the meeting.


The Chairman reminded attendees that a draft Plan had now been presented to NHS England following consideration by the Board at its extraordinary meeting held on 6 February.  Thanks were given to those who attended for their contributions. 


The Chairman and Vice Chairman were keen to highlight the importance of the document and this was captured within the introduction of the vision document accompanying the Plan. 


Although the template provided by NHS England for completion and return was strict in its requirements with a clear focus on adult social care, the vision document accompanying the Plan would continue to be expanded over time to incorporate the care of all as part of ongoing care arrangements.


The Vice Chairman confirmed that the document fitted well with the 5 year strategic and 2 year operation plans of the CCG, details of which would be discussed later in the meeting under Item 6.  In recognised the importance of integration to ensure delivery of all, clarification was given that James Roach had now been appointed as the Integration Manager for Health and Social Care and would be commencing his new role shortly.  James had hoped to attend but was unable to do so due to previous commitments.


Paul Tarplett from the Office for Public Management (OPM) was also welcomed to the meeting.  Paul had been undertaking a piece of work on the system leadership provided by the Board.  Details of his initial findings would be circulated to Board members following the meeting.  This would include that behavioural change and development of strong relationships would be required to ensure effective delivery of the Better Care Plan.


Debra Elliott, NHS England, confirmed that the Plan had been well received by NHS England who welcomed the people centred approach and recognised the desire for a joint approach between the CCG and local authority.


Health and Wellbeing Boards would be contacted the week commencing 21 April and made aware of whether further work on the Plan was required or whether the plan as submitted had been signed off by the Minister.  It was hoped that the positive response received on the draft Plan submitted by the Board would indicate that it would fall within the latter of the two options.


It was suggested that a standing item appear on future agendas to allow for a short update on measures in addition to a yearly and six monthly report on progress.  The Board were in full agreement with this suggestion and future agendas would be amended accordingly.


The report as submitted was welcomed and the proposals within accepted, noting the addition of a standing update to the Board at each meeting.




·         To approve the proposed governance arrangements set out in paragraphs 4 to 7 of the report and that a standing update would be provided at each future meeting;

·         To approve the proposed programme management and support arrangements set out in paragraphs 8 to 15 of the report;

·         To approve the outline scope of each work programme as set out in paragraph 16 of the report;

·         To note the ongoing work as set out in paragraphs 17 to 25 of the report; and

·         To delegate authority to the Chairman and Vice Chairman to agree any changes to the plan as a result of feedback to be received from NHS England and/or the Local Government Association (LGA)

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