Agenda item

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written updates provided and answer any questions arising from the floor:


                 i.          Parish and Town Councils

   To include a proposal to form a Parish Forum

                ii.          Wiltshire Police

              iii.          Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

              iv.          Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

               v.          Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

              vi.          Chippenham Vision

            vii.          Chippenham Campus Development Team

           viii.          Youth Issues update

  To include a proposal to form a Local Youth Network (LYN)

              ix.          Chippenham Partnership of Schools

               x.          Skate Park update

              xi.          Other Community Groups




Updates from partners were received as follows:


Proposal to form a Parish Forum


The Chairman advised that she and the Community Area Manager had met with Parish Representatives on 5th August 2014 to discuss forming a Parish Forum that would give the rural communities a voice at the Area Board meeting.


It was proposed that Cllr Howard Greenman would Chair the forum.




·       That a Parish Forum would be formed, which would be chaired by Cllr Howard Greenman, and which would work with any other Chippenham area rural forums in existence.



Cllr Chris Caswill abstained from the vote



Wiltshire Police

The written report from Wiltshire Police was noted. Inspector Dave Hobman reported that:


·       That the Neighbourhood Policing Team was now fully staffed.


·       That there had been 508 fewer victims of crime in the last twelve months compared to the previous twelve months.


Questions raised included:


·       Would it be possible to have a “Mobile CCTV Van” standing item as part of the police update?

a.Yes, a regular update would be given, the van should be operational during November 2014.


·       Could Neighbourhood Watch communications be improved?

a.Yes, the new “Community Information” service would help to improve the flow of information.


·       Kingston Langley would like more Neighbourhood Watch signs to put up, could you assist with this?

a.Yes, This would be followed up.



Parish and Town Councils

The written report from Grittleton Parish Council was noted.


The written report from Kington Langley Parish Council was noted, points made included:

·       The recently held Parish Forum was attended by the Parish Council Chairman and Clerk.  Both found it to be a very useful meeting. 


·       School parking was still a concern to the village and was an ongoing issue that was being looked into by the School and the Parish Council.  One solution could be to allow parking on part of the commons - however any information on the legalities of this would be appreciated.


·       Drainage issues are ongoing - a meeting was held with Danny Everett - a proposal, with costings to rectify the problems at Silver Street/Fairleigh Rise is awaited.  However it was understand that during the holiday season it was proving difficult to arrange the necessary site visit.


·       A350 – Concern over increased traffic noise had been raised at a recent parish council meeting.  A formal request had been made to the Project Manager of the A350 upgrade project to include noise abatement measures in the design of the upgrade and to advise what steps are being taken to reduce and control traffic noise.         


·       Councillor Dennis Gill had been appointed to represent the Parish
Council at the Police meetings.


·       The Parish Council was still taking an active part in discussing planning applications.  An enforcement issue had been raised on application Nos 05/02382/FUL and 14/06203/FUL The appropriate forms had been completed.  

An update on this was awaited.


A Housing Needs Survey had been carried out.


·       The Parish Council had submitted its response to the Chippenham Landscape Setting Study.


·       Chippenham gateway and the proposed distribution centre was raising concerns.  This was being proposed for land off J17 of the M4. 


     Suggested alternative sites had been made.


·       The Village Sign on entry to the village from the A350 was to be moved to incorporate more of the village. Martin Rose agreed to oversee this,

          funded by the Parish Council.


·       The sports pavilion had been tidied up and was now fit for use. 

     This work had been carried out by the Playing Field Association. 

·       The Parish Council was looking to setting up a scheme to raise funds for a defibrillator for the village.  To date no response to assist in this had come forward.


·       The newly appointed Community Emergency Volunteer Peter Hart was working on necessary steps for Kington Langley to participate in the Salt Bag Scheme.  Other intended actions include updating the contact list and developing response plans for three different scenarios. 

·       Future meeting dates: 15th September, 13th October, 17th November and 8th December.



Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

The written report was noted.



Chippenham Campus Development Team (CDT)

A preliminary meeting with the CCG was to take place, CDT would report back to the Area Board when any information is available.



Proposal to form a Local Youth Network (LYN)

The Chairman advised the Area Board members that under the new community–led model for Youth Activities the Area Board would need to form a Local Youth Network (LYN) and appoint a lead Councillor.




·       That Cllr Peter Hutton was appointed interim lead councillor of the Chippenham Local Youth Network (LYN).



That Cllr Chris Caswill abstained from the vote and raised concerns re the tardiness of Terms of Reference for the Local Youth Network.


The Chairman thanked all the partners for their updates.

Supporting documents: