Agenda item

Better Care Plan

James Roach, Director for Integration will present a progress report on the implementation of the Better Care Plan.  This will include details of ministerial sign-off and the development of a single view of the customer.


James Roach, Integration Manager, provided an update on the Better Care Plan and the progress made to date since the previous update to the Board.


Several updates to the report since it was written in June were now available, including that Wiltshire had been recognised nationally as a leader in terms of best practice and had as a result been identified for fast track.  This would result in early sign off of the Plan.


An investment of approx £27m had been made in the Better Care Fund for Wiltshire to take forward a number of core programmes overseen by a Better Care Plan Governance Group.  The core spend was broken into several schemes details of which were provided within the report.


In addition to the workstreams the Plans were also required to meet a number of conditions, namely:

·         Protection for social care services

·         Seven day working in health and social care

·         Better data sharing

·         Joint approach to assessments and planning

·         Agreement and monitoring of the consequential impact of changes in the acute sector.

·         Renewed commitment across the programme in relation to a range of other enablers.


Details of schemes and impact to date were also highlighted.  These included:


·         Rapid response, discharge coordination and 7 day working

·         Community teams – 3 pilot sites had been identified to launch integrated community care teams.  All key partners were working together to ensure success.

·         Single view of client – A project team had been established and good progress was being made.  Within the next few weeks details of the adult social care database would be shared with GPs and would continue to be rolled out to as many as possible.


A launch event was taking place on 2 September for stakeholders to highlight some of the progress made in relation to the View of the Customer system.  Further details would be provided to Board members following the meeting.


Ensuring discussion also included the existing 111 service with concern raised by several attendees on its suitability to deliver.  The CCG confirmed that the service would continue to be monitored with reports to the CCG Executive Body.  Further updates would also be provided to the HWB.


Reference was made to the risk associated in delivery of the Plan which included recruitment and retention of health professionals.  Wiltshire Council was looking at ways to address this with the establishment of training academies being considered at present.  Further details would be provided at a later date on the development of this.


Further information was provided on the 100 day challenge which would be going live from 1 September 2014.  This was a system wide approach that aimed to reduce the number of attendances and admissions for frail patients as well as reducing the amount of time they spent in hospital.


Details of the presentation made on the 100 day challenge can be found attached to these minutes but included that the challenge required full commitment and collaboration across the system to be successful.


The focus of the 100 day challenge would be:

·         Case Management

·         Primary Care Management

·         Access and Referral Routes

·         Managing Crisis

·         Managing Sub Acute Patients in a Community Setting

·         Reducing length of stay and improving discharge process

·         Ongoing Measurements/Monitoring and Action


The support of the Board was sought to ensure the success of the challenge.


Reference was made to the health themed area board events taking place across the county in September and October and how key details from the Better Care Plan, 100 day challenge and CCG 5 year plan could be incorporated.  Details of the area board dates would be circulated to Board members following the meeting.


The Board welcomed the presentation received and looked forward to receiving further updates on continued progress at the next meeting.

Supporting documents: