Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.     Wiltshire Police

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.     Malmesbury Campus

d.     Youth Advisory group (YAG)

e.     Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership

f.      Town and Parish Councils

g.     Network Rail

h.     Highways Community Co-Ordinator

i.       Food Bank – Richard Payler


6a.       Wiltshire Police


In addition to the written update seen at pages 15 and 16 of the agenda, Sergeant Martin Alvis noted that 2 people had been arrested for stealing in Ashton Keynes. They were currently on police bail, and other unresolved crimes were being reviewed for possible links.


6b.      Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Mike Franklin introduced Station Manager Kit Watson, who had operational responsibility for Malmesbury. He referred to a previous discussion around a closer working relationship with the Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, and explained that WFRS had a shortfall in budget of between £3.1 million to £3.9 million which had to be resolved by 2018. They had appraised their options and put forward a business case to combine the Wiltshire and Dorset authorities, on which a decision would be made in September 2014. A consultation would take place between 16 June 2014 and 24 August 2014 which would include the public, police and council. This would be promoted through their website, social media and press and a helpline would be set up.


The Board expressed its disappointment that WFRS had chosen to combine authorities and considered it a missed opportunity given that Wiltshire Council was creating partnership models. It was important not to lose local contact 


Miranda highlighted that the consultation was taking place over the summer period when many would be away. The Board agreed to write a letter to the Chief Fire Officer expressing their concern over the timing of the consultation. Mike agreed to pass the Board’s comments on when he met the Chief and his team.


6c.       Malmesbury Campus


Kim Power, Chairman of the Shadow Community Operations Board gave an overview of the campus project which invited the community to look what facilities were available in the area and what new facilities and services are wanted or needed. Residents would be broadly consulted and further updates would be brought to each Area Board meeting.


6d.      Youth Advisory Group


No update was available at the meeting.


6e.       Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership


Sid Jevons drew attention to the update seen on page 17 of the agenda, noting that the PHEW showcase was running again this year and encouraged anyone wishing to run a free taster session or demonstration to get in touch.


6f.        Town and Parish Councils


i.              Aston Keynes Parish Council


Dave Wingrove highlighted rural grass cutting, explaining that it was difficult to know which areas belonged to whom and to know what will be cut when.  John explained that the Council had prepared GIS maps detailing every bit of grass which had been sent to all town and parish councils. He asked Matt Perrott, Highways Co-ordinator to email Ashton Keynes with their details.


ii.            Malmesbury Town Council


John Gundry gave a short presentation which drew attention to a report that had been presented to the town’s planning and environmental committee on the issues relating to lorries and trucks, a link to which was given in the written update seen on page 21 of the agenda. In the presentation the issues highlighted were traffic congestion, delays at peak times and danger to pedestrians. He confirmed they would be submitting an issue to the area board to look at better signage, including advisory signage.


The Chairman updated John with details of the Lorry Watch scheme, which he would email through. Highways Officers were looking at what regulations and orders were in place before reviewing signage. It was hoped that the town council would work with officers with the possibility of a 2 month trail period being run in conjunction with Lorry Watch.


iii.           Lea and Cleverton Parish Council


John Cole drew attention to the update seen on page 19 of the agenda which outlined a case for the retention of the mini recycling sites as mentioned in the Chairman’s announcements. They were asking the Council to rethink its decision to close sites.


Chuck suggested that the Chairs of the town and parish councils work together to continue the service. Toby explained that provision could be done by other companies such as Wiltshire Waste ( ) or Hills Waste ( ). Wiltshire Council had listened to all comments made when making its decision, the problems being the use of the sites for commercial waste and paying for a duplicated service.


6g.      Network Rail


The update seen on page 23 of the agenda was noted.


6h.      Highways Community Co-ordinator


Matt Perrott drew attention to the written update circulated at the meeting and attached to these minutes. He reminded everyone of the parish and town council meeting being held on Monday 19 May 2014, 6pm at the Neeld Hall, High Street, Chippenham.


In response to questions he confirmed that, working jointly with BT, the water running down Holloway Hill would be diverted back into the system. He confirmed that the resurfacing of the road was not in this year’s budget, but noted that this would be discussed further under agenda item 10 – Local Highways Investment Fund 2014 – 2020. A query was raised over who had responsibility for clearing Swill Brook – at present residents were having to clear it to reduce the risk of flooding, but it should be Wiltshire Council clearing it. Matt confirmed that it was Wiltshire Council’s drainage crews remit, but understood the concerns and noted that the Parish Council was keen to take over the land.


6i.        Food Banks


Richard Payler gave a short presentation on food banks – what they were, how they worked and what their current status was. He highlighted their need for volunteers in many areas, such as office and publicity, transport, negotiation, collections


In response to questions he confirmed that people could consider donating their winter fuel allowance to the food bank.


Mike Franklin noted that the WFRS was involved in the south of the county, with stocks being both held at and collected from fire stations. He was happy to discuss the possibility of this in the North.


Ellen Blacker noted that people could donate their winter fuel allowance to Wiltshire and Swindon Community Foundation who ran a ‘surviving winter scheme’, which had supported 6-7 clients last year.


Simon highlighted the great opportunities for partnership working, including the potential to have a hub in Malmesbury Town Council and being a part of the campus proposals.

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