Agenda item

Councillor Jonathan Seed

Cllr Jonathon Seed will talk about his role as Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding. Followed by an opportunity for questions.



Cllr Jonathon Seed spoke about his role as Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding.


Cllr Seed had the help of four other Councillors to carry out his role, Cllrs Jerry Kunkler portfolio holder for Leisure and Sport, Cllr Chris Williams, portfolio holder for Area Boards, and two other councillors for flooding, one in the north and one in the south.


The Council was working towards creating more resilient communities, with the main goal of facilitating communities to do more for themselves.


As part of the Council’s Business Plan, Leisure had been incorporated into Public Health. Wiltshire currently had 23 leisure centres and 11 swimming pools, the Council aimed to retain as many of its leisure facilities as possible.


Each community area developed in its own way; development being led by the requirements of the community. If the community made it clear that they wanted something for their area, then the Council would support that community in achieving their goals where possible.



It had been a busy year for flooding. Although Wiltshire was not on the news as much as other counties, 500 dwellings were flooded across Wiltshire. The Council had a flood plan in place, and worked to that plan to help people where it could.


The Secretary of State for Environment, Owen Patterson had shown his support by offering to provide Wiltshire with the resources required for future flood prevention as he knew that they would be used efficiently.



Each Community Area had been invited to have a campus. The building works on the Salisbury Campus would begin in the next two weeks.


It had been established that the cost to maintain several old buildings and services in separate areas was greater than creating a single place in the community where people could access all of the services they needed.


Having a community campus also meant that there could be a reduction of manpower and a coming together of partner organisations.


Questions and comments were then taken, these included:


  • Do you have any plans in place for tackling the effects of extreme heat? Answer: This is not in my remit; it would come under Public Health.
  • Is the Council receiving top hydrological advice? Answer: We work closely with people that give this advice. In addition to this we have drainage engineers which go round and look at issues and assess them. It is often the case that local people know their area the best, they know which drains get flooded.
  • If sports facilities are to be centralised in Salisbury, would there be plans for smaller sports facilities in outlying areas to the city like Harnham? Answer: No, as Southern Wiltshire view their village communities in their own right, they do not look to Harnham for their services.
  • If we had a lido in Harnham, we would use it. Answer: Tisbury have an open air swimming pool, and they wish to keep this, we are listening to them, we are not here to say that you cannot have it.
  • The response to the flooding in January was excellent, however in Salisbury we have a different issue, and we feel bamboozled by Sainsbury’s plan to build a supermarket on the Southampton Road site. There was almost 100% negative feedback to the proposals when they came to present them at a previous Area Board, yet still they go ahead. Please could you make them listen? Answer: I cannot make sure that it does not happen, however I can take the strength of your message back to Cabinet. Clearly there is an issue here that people feel strongly about.
  • We had some flooding issues here in the city; we were unable to get drains dug out. The old flood warden scheme seems to have broken down. How do we work on a micro level to get our issues resolved? Answer: Before unitary, the District Council looked after the ditches and the County Council looked after the highways. The drainage bylaws which will be sealed next month will enable us to make people dig out their own ditches. There are limits to what can be achieved, but take things to a local level, get parish councils to speak to land owners and ask them to clear their ditches.
  • Praise should be given for how the Council handled the floods, however initially they did not act quickly enough. In some areas there was panic from local people about areas they felt would flood, but the council did not. Answer: We try to get it right, as best we can. Perception of flooding does worry people, I will take this back and look at this issue, it may be a case of issuing more sandbags to those areas for reassurance.
  • The Chairman asked for a future update on the progression of the pilot campus as it evolved, as it would be useful to hear what worked and did not work well. Answer: Yes we are learning from the pilot campus and will feedback the findings.