Agenda item

Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

To consider:


a)    The PCAP update which will include details of the bus service consultation; and


b)    The Work Plan, budget and a request for PCAP funding for 2014/2015.


Susie Brew and Patrick Wilson were welcomed to the meeting to give a brief update on the work of PCAP, including details of the bus services consultation.


a)     PCAP update inclusive of bus service consultation


Following research undertaken an on-line directory containing basic information for approx 480 businesses in the community was compiled.  Businesses were given the opportunity to enhance the information provided for a small fee.  This directory would sit within the PCAP website which was due to launch within the next month, would supersede all other directories and would be kept up to date on a 6 monthly basis.


PCAP was to run an event with Visit Wiltshire to promote tourism in the local community which PCAP were proposing should be held in the Heritage Centre. 


PCAP continued to provide what support it could to Pewsey EPIC and a meeting was due to take place with them on 10 July.


A survey had taken place in relation to ‘spice time’ credits in the Pewsey area and a report on this would be released in the new couple of weeks.  Although there was some initial scepticism about the scheme and how it would work in the area there was a desire for the scheme to be a success, noting the benefits it could bring for volunteers.  The scheme allowed volunteers to accrue virtual time credits that could be exchanged for such things as leisure centre usage.


A new steering group on dementia awareness was meeting on 18 July to develop events and activities for the community area.


A Canal and Rivers Trust (CRT) managers meeting had taken place on 19 June.  Following this useful meeting the CRT had now set up a forum which would allow relevant stakeholders the opportunity to get together and resolve outstanding issues.


As an identified parish issue for Little Bedwyn, PCAP was to meet with Thames Water regarding the pumphouse flooding and surcharge issues raised earlier in the year to highlight the seriousness of the issue.


An audit of the PCAP accounts had been undertaken and could be viewed if required.  The PCAP Plan had also been updated by Susie Brew and a request for topics had already been issued. 


The Parish Issues reporting system was to be released on 8 July.  Any issues raised would be discussed at the next meeting of PCAP on 24 July.


Bus Service Consultation update


The Passenger Transport Unit (PTU) had briefed the Board in January this year of a bus service review within the Pewsey area.  A meeting was held at Woodborough Social Club on 7 May where the proposed changes were presented.  This included replacing some services with timetabled routes, reducing the use of the call centre and closing the night and taxi buz service. 


Noting the dissatisfaction of many of residents both within the Pewsey and Devizes communities, the Community Area Partnerships of both boards linked together to respond to the consultation, requesting that time be given to allow for an additional option to be developed.


A further consultation meeting took place on 12 June where further data gathering took place.  Alan James, a consultant brought on board to assist with developing the additional option, was welcomed to the meeting to provide further details.


Alan confirmed that his first task was to improve on the timetable for daytime services, noting that complete withdrawal of the service would not be right for the respective communities of Pewsey and Devizes.  A revised draft timetable would be discussed with officers of the PTU.


The approach was to create faster direct services between Pewsey and Devizes at certain key times of the day and an improved rail shuttle service in the evening. 


Further data collection had shown that the evening service was performing better than the daytime service with usage maintaining levels over the last year.  The alternative option was likely to result in an improved daytime service and deliver some savings and Alan was confident that the same could be achieved for the evening service too.


School transport was highlighted where it was understood that the cost per individual was significantly higher than that of the public.  Further work was being done to explore the reasons behind this to see whether cost savings could be made in this area.


Feedback from the public also indicated that an increase in fare would be preferable to a loss in service.  There was also a case to be made that operating a more direct daytime service between Pewsey and Devizes could open up a market not serviced by the Connect2 route, could increase usage and as a result reduce the cost per passenger figure.


Clarification was also made that part of the renewal of contract would be the provision of new buses, recognising that the existing stock was in poor condition.


It was understood that the PTU was to retender and would be consulting on the proposed service between 1 August and 10 September.  It would be made clear to the PTU that the response to the consultation should be made available to the Board at its next meeting on 15 September.


Thanks were given to PCAP and the consultant.  The Board would continue to support an alternative to the initial proposals made and the Devizes area Board would be encouraged to do the same.


b)     PCAP work plan, budget and PCAP funding request.


Patrick Wilson confirmed that PCAP had reviewed the budget for next year which was felt to be good and fair and asked that the Board endorse the request for funding as outlined within the report.  It was also noted that the officer report recommended that should the funding request be endorsed that the funds should be transferred as one payment.




To approve the whole year’s core funding of £5,187 with an agreement to release the whole of this figure immediately; and


That PCAP works with the Pewsey Area Board to develop projects or actions that target local priorities raised by the recent Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA)/What Matters to You event.

Supporting documents: