Agenda item

Youth Activities

Cllr Laura Mayes to provide an update following the review of Youth Activity undertaken earlier this year.


Cllr Laura Mayes thanked the Board for her invitation and introduced herself as Cabinet member for Children’s Services including her responsibilities to support education and skills for children, child protection, safeguarding, adoption and the Youth Service. Cllr Mayes gave a presentation providing updates following the review of Youth Activity undertaken earlier this year.


It was explained that following the review there would be a new model for the Youth Service and the Springfield Community Campus was a fine example of this model and the benefit of a community coming together. The existing Youth Service model had been in place for over ten years and, alongside being out-dated, was expensive to run, it was necessary to make savings, be sustainable, make use of new technology and adapt to changes to family life. The Cabinet Member emphasised however the new model must retain a firm commitment to protecting vulnerable children. With regards to Springfield Community Campus, the Councillor praised this example of the new model in its involvement of young people and tailoring facilities to their needs, citing how 90% of those surveyed desired a climbing wall, prompting the construction of one.


The four proposals for a ‘new model’ had been considered before one was decided on:

(i)            The same service with less money;

(ii)          Paying a charity and the commissioning out of services;

(iii)         The take-over of existing services by existing staff;

(iv)         A community-led model.

It was explained that the fourth model was chosen by the Council following extensive community consultation which received the largest ever response in Wiltshire, involving many young people. 1,770 young people replied to the survey, contributing ideas, and plans were changed in recognition of these. The results of the survey also highlighted issues of importance to young people and showed they value youth work, notably access to trained and trusted adults. The Voluntary and Community sector also praised the new model and were keen to become involved.


Three key characteristics of the model were presented:

(i)            Services tailored by young people and communities;

(ii)          Trained Community Youth Officers (CYOs) to assure the quality and tailoring of services;

(iii)         Area Boards to receive funding to support these provisions.

It was also noted that: CYOs would assist community groups, Youth Advisory Groups (YAGs)would be known as Local Youth Networks (LYNs) and there would be Youth Support Workers to support the most vulnerable children.


The importance of the Springfield Community Campus having community ownership was celebrated and the need for the community to decide how to spend the budget for the campus of approximately £10,000 for the year 2014/15 and £20,000 for 2015/16.


The Chairman invited questions andthe suggestion of open days for residents of the parishes to visit Springfield Community Campus was praised. The Chairman reminded those in attendance that Springfield Community was not only for Corsham but also the surrounding area and the possibility of an electric shuttle bus between the two was mentioned. Opportunities for international exchanges for young people via Springfield Community Campus were also encouraged.


All present were encouraged to support and become involved in Springfield Community Campus in many ways and thanks were given to all members of the Area Board, the COB (Community Operations Board), the leisure staff, Sarah Pluckrose, the Community Engagement Officer and the Communications team for their time and hard work.


Thanks were given to Cllr Laura Mayes for the presentation.