Agenda item

Area Board Projects and Priorities Update

To note the update on Area Board Projects and Priorities for 2014/15, and the Rights of Way updates, as detailed in the attached report and appendices.


Due to a lack of time at the previous Area Board meeting on 4 June 2014, the Area Board carried out an online survey to rank the top 10 priorities in terms of importance and by the ability of the community to make most impact.  The online results are detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.


The Board is asked to consider adopting the priorities identified by the ‘What matters to you’ community event and works to facilitate local action to tackle those priorities, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.







To Board noted the update on Area Board Projects and Priorities for 2014/15, and the Rights of Way updates, as detailed in the report and appendicies  attached to the agenda.


Due to a lack of time at the previous Area Board meeting on 4 June 2014, the Area Board had carried out an online survey to rank the top 10 priorities in terms of importance and by the ability of the community to make most impact.  The online results were detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.


The Board considered adopting the priorities identified by the ‘What matters to you’ community event and works to facilitate local action to tackle those priorities, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board agreed:


·       To adopt the priorities identified by the ‘What matters to you’ community event and works to facilitate local action to tackle those priorities.

·       To consider earmarking funding to promote, initiate and support community-led action around the selected priorities.


·       To appoint a lead member to champion any priority (priorities) adopted.

·       That reports would be submitted to the Board on progress made to address the priorities to ensure that positive outcomes were delivered.

Supporting documents: