Agenda item

14/04177/OUT - Land at Former Blounts Court Nursery, Studley Lane, Studley, Wiltshire, SN11 9NQ


Mrs Janet Robbins, Mr Andrew Emerson, and Mr Martin Cleverley spoke in objection to the application.


Mr Julian Sayers and Mr Peter Lawson spoke in support of the application.


Cllr Richard French, Calne Without Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application.


The officer drew attention to late observations provided and the key points, available as Agenda Supplement 1. The officer introduced the report which recommended to delegate authority to grant planning permission to the Area Development Manager, subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement, planning conditions and the additional heads of term prescribed in the Agenda Supplement.


A site plan was shown, alongside a site description including existing planning permission. It was highlighted the current application was an outline planning application for up to 28 dwellings, as such, the layout of units displayed was only indicative, used to demonstrate that the number of units and amenity space could be accommodated adequately.


The Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of officers and it was confirmed that an increase in the number of dwellings above 28 would require a new planning application. Questions were raised concerning the central square shown on the indicative layout, it was noted that details of landscaping would be finalised at a reserved matters stage if the application was delegated. The officer confirmed the substantial tree belt would be remaining as part of the scheme.


Members of the public then addressed the Committee as detailed above.


The local member, Cllr Crisp spoke in opposition to the application, raising concerns that it would not comply with the North Wiltshire Local Plan and would threaten the economic development of the nearby saw mill.


In the debate that followed the Committee noted the need for housing, the land as a brownfield site and the less harmful effect of residential development compared to commercial development. However, concerns were raised over the conflict of the development with business and highways, notably issues of safety as amenities were located across a 60mph road.




To REFUSE the application for the following reason:


The proposed development is in the countryside, outside the framework boundary of Derry Hill & Studley where residential development is not acceptable under Policy H4 of the North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011. The Council have a 5 year land supply and there are no material considerations in terms of benefits that could be delivered via this proposal, which outweigh the development plan policies. The location outside the framework boundary for Derry Hill & Studley also conflicts with CP1, CP2 & CP8 of the Emerging WCS Submission Draft as proposed to be amended April 2014. Furthermore, the development, being outside of the framework boundary is remote from local employment and services and conflicts with policy C1 & C3 (vi) of the North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011 and paragraphs 14, 17, 47 & 49 of the NPPF.


The proposed development by virtue of its siting, location beyond the framework boundary and proposed acoustic fencing will result in a development that is at odds with the scale and character of the area that would result in an urban feature within the open countryside resulting in significant and demonstrable harm and thereby contrary to policies NE15 and C3 (i) of the North Wiltshire Local Plan and paragraphs 17, 56 & 64 of the NPPF.


The proposed development does not make any provisions for securing affordable housing on the site or financial contributions towards education provision in the locality or financial contributions towards public transport, highway improvements, the on-going provision and maintenance of open space on the site, and indoor leisure provision contrary to policy C2 of the North Wiltshire Local Plan and policies CP3 and CP43 of the Emerging WCS  Submission Draft as proposed to be amended April 2014.

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