Agenda item

Better Care Plan

To receive a presentation on the Better Care Plan, followed by questions and answers.


Maggie Rae, Corporate Director – Wiltshire Council, and Dr Steve Rawlings – Chair of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), presented the item which gave a summary of the Better Care Plan. The presentation included a short video outlining the changes and the impacts on service and their users.


The focus of the presentation was about how best to join up Health and Social Care, thereby reducing the frustrations in the community who just want the system to work. A big step would improve the sharing data, so someone only has to give their information once.


There was an explanation of the demographic pressures i.e that people are living longer and healthier lives, and that this growth in an ageing population means that more people will need more care. It is estimated that half of NHS resources are being spent on the elderly, and that the number of people with dementia should double by 2030. Although £800m was being spent on health and social care in Wiltshire, additional funding would be needed, if we are to carry on as we are.


It is the intention to have improved plans in place to support carers, who provide informal care; to put individuals at the centre of the care; to enable people to be listened to and to have care provided in their home, or close to their home.

It is planned that a person would have one professional that will be their one point of contact. Multi-disciplinary teams should link up to provide co-ordinated health and social care. Reference was made to the onion diagram which explains how services are provided around for individuals and located on geographical areas.


In response to a question, Maggie Rae encouraged people to attend Savernake Hospital to see what services are available on the site. One of the aims of the plan was to divert people from secondary care, which was expensive, into primary and community care. It was acknowledged that some consultants from Great Western Hospital use Savernake to see patients but some people were not aware of this.

There was also a vision that facilities in GP surgeries should be extended so that Minor Injuries could be closed. It would be cheaper and more effective to provide it in primary care, and this would be a reflection of the kind of services GPs and previously offered in the community. Dr Rawlings acknowledged that GPs could do more to publicise the services that are available at Savernake Hospital and would take that message back to the CCG.


Maggie Rae acknowledged that getting the right staff into rural areas could be a challenge. It was vitally important that personal care staff are seen as part of the workforce and not 2nd grade workers. The Council took the decision, with the Help to Live at Home programme, to pay travel and to pay for outcomes not 15 min appointments; it would cost more, but she was proud that it meant more quality care. The intention is to make it a more attractive career, and it was hoped that returning forces families from Germany could provide more staff.


It was noted that the investment going into the Campus could  play a part in the Better Care Plan. Work was ongoing to ensure there are some health facilities in each Campus development. It was planned that there should be a clinical room is in the Pewsey plans. For this to succeed, GPs will need to buy into the clinical room and the Campus ideal. In response to a question about pharmacy dispensing in Pewsey, Dr Rawlings stated that he would direct any concerns to the relevant CCG Committee.

In response to a question, James Slater – Local Commissioner CCG – stated that GPs were open to explore around what services they can provide in their communities. Furthermore he stated that there is a duty to consult and that he wanted to link with Patient Participation Groups.


The Chair thanked the officers for the presentation and for answering questions from the floor.


Admin Note: Further information, including a summary of the plan, can be found on the Council’s Website.