Agenda item

Internal Audit 2014/15 2nd Quarter Update Report

This progress report presents the Committee with an update on the performance of the Internal Audit (IA) Section.


The update was introduced by the Director of Finance and a demonstration of the system that SWAP use was provided by David Hill (SWAP). Attention paid by management to audit recommendations and the required time limits were discussed by Members. It was heard that Members would likely start seeing improvements in the next three to six months as to the number of recommendations being implemented. It was explained that there was currently too many recommendations outstanding. The Director of Finance explained that audit reports may take longer than usual to draw a conclusion and that patience was necessary.


David Hill discussed report clearing mechanisms and stated that there was a reasonably quick turnaround. It was heard that Mr Hill works across several authorities and that Wiltshire’s system were very robust. It was explained that there was 116 recommendations to be followed up and at this time 56 had been completed; 12 of which had outstanding responses. The Committee heard that managers were to be chased for their response to recommendations and a database would be updated online. A priority system and the complete client self assessment were explained. It was heard that management assurances would be sought and that the Corporate Directors would be made aware of any concerns at CLT.


Members had the opportunity to ask questions and the response time to recommendations was discussed. Feedback to audit staff was also raised including the quality of work. Customer satisfaction was also discussed.  


Cllr Alan Macrae attended to answer questions on concerns that some young people are being placed with inappropriate carers. Cllr Macrae explained that this situation was forced on Wiltshire Council by the legal system and that many young people were placed under Regulation 24 of the Children’s Act. As a result of this, young people were usually placed with members of their family which can have a detrimental effect and could be limiting in their teenage years. Members ask questions in regard to timescales of placements and the fostering assessments. Cllr Macrae discussed special guardianship order standards and how communication with safeguarding could be improved. The method of retaining evidence for these decisions was raised and the viability screening process was explained. The Chairman thanked Cllr Macrae for his attendance.


Further questions were asked in regards to Internal Audit. Member’s expenses were discussed and a response from management was due at the next committee. Members stated that this is a subject that can raise public concerns and it was necessary to be particularly robust. SWAPs performance was also raised and questions were asked as to why it had taken twenty days to issue their final report. Representatives of SWAP explained that they often have not had a response from management and are therefore waiting for this before they can produce a final report.

It was heard that the Associate Director for Legal and Governance would give an update on Corporate Governance at the next meeting.


Members discussed potential capacity for SWAP to bring forward their work on the campus programme.



To note the Internal Audit 2014/15 2nd Quarter Update.


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