Agenda item

Update from Representatives

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)    Police

d)    Fire

e)    Community Campus

f)     Air Quality Group




The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)


·       Information on all of the upcoming markets had been posted on the SCC website, along with details of events taking place in the City.

·       On Monday 19 January, the Budget for 2015/16 would be considered by Full Council, it was expected that there would be no increase to the precept.

·       On 1 February 2015, there would be a Wedding Fair from 11.00am – 3.30pm at the Guild Hall.

·       The annual Charter Service would take place on 8 February 2015.



b)    Laverstock and Ford (L&F) Parish Council


Chairman of L&F Parish Council, David Law announced the recent death of Cllr Virginia McLennan, who had been a parish councillor for many years and served as vice chairman last year, adding that she would be greatly missed.



c)     Police


Inspector David Minty gave an update to the Board. The recent work of several groups and organisations on New Year’s Eve in the triage centre had shown that there was excellent partnership working in the City. Dave gave thanks to all who had been involved. There had only been 7 arrests that evening and nothing serious had occurred.


The crime statistics showed that violence against the person was up 11%, this equated to 34 crimes across the year.


The new Beat Manager for the City Centre, PC Tracey Holloway would come to a future Board meeting to be introduced.


Following a recent issue on Bemerton Heath, the community had assisted the police in the location of a wanted person by using social media.


Comments and Questions included:


·       When visiting the police station where could members of the public park free of charge? Answer: If you are visiting on police business, you are able to park in one of our marked bays in College Street car park. This information was included in the Journal following the last time it was discussed here at the Board.

·       A week ago Mr Brown was walking on the pavement near to the Poultry Cross when he was in a collision with a young person cycling on the pavement. Having earlier seen two Officers on the Beat near Barclays bank he looked around for them but they had moved on. It would be good to be able to locate the Police when incidents like that occurred. Answer: Inspector Minty was pleased to hear that the Officers were visible in the City, incidents like that can be stopped by Police when they see them, however young people know that they will be stopped, so they tend not to do it when they see the Police. The intention was to have police on a stall on market days.  

·       Was Neighbourhood Watch growing or depleting? Answer: We have launched a Community Messaging service. You can join this free and receive messages by email, text or voicemail - about policing and crime matters relating to your area and interests.

The more people who sign up for it the better it will be so please spread the word. More information can be found on the website:


d)    Community Campus


Cllr Richard Clewer, Chairman of the Community Operations Board (COB), gave an update to the Board.


·       Work was currently running one week behind schedule as there was a shortage of bricklayers.

·       The Campus was in the process of shifting from a COB to a Management Board.

·       Lessons learnt at other earlier Campus developments would be taken on board.



e)    Air Quality Group


Cllr Richard Clewer informed the Board that there would be further tree planting in February.



·       Cllr McKeown had recently read that Government would soon not be required to monitor air quality levels as much as previously was required. Answer: A consultation document had been recently circulated. Central Government would decide what they wanted Local Authorities to measure on a statutory basis and we would then have to monitor that. However, at an Area Board level it would be up to us to decide what else we would want in addition for our area.

·       In addition to the Central Government consultation, Wiltshire Council also ran a consultation but this was not as widely publicised as the car parking consultation.


Action: Community Area Manager to circulate the details of the consultation via the Community Matters website.

Supporting documents: