Agenda item

Open Floor

An opportunity for local people, groups and organisations to discuss issues of importance for the Devizes area.


The Area Board invited local people, groups and organisations to discuss issues of importance for the Devizes area.


Michael Braund, Devizes & District PHAB (Physically Disabled & Able Bodied), expressed concern over traffic calming measures causing damage to the low-floor minibus. Cllr Philip Whitehead advised that, since the speedbumps in questions were privately owned, the group would have to contact highways and planning officers at Wiltshire Council.


Jeffrey Meddings and Ray Rogers expressed disappointment in road conditions in Bath Road from Prison bridge to Caen Hill. Cllr Whitehead agreed there was potentially need for a crossing on the road, however speeding was not a major issue in this location. It was noted that Devizes Town Council had rejected a crossing on this section of the road and islands to calm traffic would reduce the number of parking places. The Councillor confirmed that Bath Road junction was due to be resurfaced that financial year. The residents advised that speeding was a real problem on Bath Road, however Cllr Whitehead confirmed that this was not supported by evidence from a metrocount. Questions were raised over the timing of metrocounts and it was verified they did not look at the average speed and so the results were not skewed by slow-moving traffic at peak times. The Councillor confirmed that isolated potholes were filled as an immediate, short-term solution to this health and safety risk.


Jackie Bawden, Rowde Parish Council, questioned whether Rowde and Bromham would receive high-speed broadband. It was confirmed that Bromham was included in the 2015 rollout by Wiltshire Council. Rowde had been deemed as ‘commercially viable’ by BT and so would be installed by th company. Cllr Richard Gamble agreed to look into the situation for Erlestoke.


Steve Valentine spoke against the cessation of the Connect2RUH service planned for November 2015. Cllr Whitehead advised that the government and the NHS had withdrawn funding for the service in 2006, Wiltshire Council had subsidised the service since however it proved very expensive to run. It was the responsibility of the Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure patients were able to get to hospital and the RUH had been invited to discussions over the future of the service. A full public consultation would be run before changes to the service.



Phillipa Morgan expressed concern over the planning permission on the Assize Courts in Devizes due to expire in May 2015. Cllr Laura Mayes commented that she shared the concerns and assured that much work was being undertaken by planning officers at Wiltshire Council however she could not provide more detail at this stage.


The Chairman advised that there had been discontent with the state of littering in the county, particularly along trunk roads. Wiltshire Council would support communities who wanted to litter pick and was taking more action against fast-food outlets. Great Cheverell Parish Council held a spring cleaning day each year and raised a health and safety concern about a local path. Area Board members’ advised the relevant officer had been made aware.


Tony Duck, questioned whether the Shambles would be left with wooden doors following its redevelopment, and the Area Board agreed to look into. The project was likely to proceed as match funding had been agreed and overall, good feedback had been received. The Chairman advised that rent for the market would be low to attract businesses.