Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)  Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  Health services

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)    Chamber of Commerce

(g)  Schools

(h)  Springfield Community Campus


Attention was drawn to the written updates in the agenda pack.


Cllr Alan MacRae updated that Mike Veale had been announced as the new Chief Constable and would take over from Pat Geenty after his retirement.


Cllr Sheila Parker informed those present that the railway track in the Box tunnel would be replaced. Work was to start 18 July 2015 for 6 weeks during which the railway line would be closed. 


Colerne Parish Council advised that it would be celebrating Armed Forces Day on 27 June 2015 at Colerne Primary School.


Corsham Town Council advised that it would be celebrating Armed Forces Day with a military parade and Street Fair on 20 June 2015.

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