Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·       Fire & Rescue

·       Youth - LYN


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Police (to follow)

b)    Fire (June & July updates)

c)     Wilton Town Team Minutes

d)    Wiltshire Council Items for Information

e)    Consultations - to take part and for further information, visit the consultation portal:



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


Police – Inspector David Minty

The figures detailed in the written report were fairly good on the whole, apart from recent domestic burglaries in Fovant and Wilton, where silver and other items had been targeted. The NPT were working on this, David urged people to keep properties locked and for people to inform their neighbours of these recent incidents.


There had also been two reports of rogue trader incidents, where the elderly and vulnerable had been approached in a hard sell of tarmac driveways. Please call the Police if anyone is approached in this way.


Forces from Wiltshire, Dorset and Hampshire were coming together to form a joined up approach in readiness for the upcoming Dorset Steam Fair. It was felt that many of the issues involved with the fair were not taking place inside the event, but instead when accessing or leaving it.


The Police Dog team had recently visited the Wilton Race Course to do a sweep of the several thousand visitors there. Several hits had been made during this initiative.


It was noted that there would be no reduction in PCSO’s within the community.


Fire – Mike Franklin

Mike drew attention to the two written updates in the agenda pack. He announced that a decision had been made to have the new Service HQ in the Five Rivers Campus in Salisbury.


There would be two events aimed at fire safety for older people, where electric blanket testing and a slipper exchange would be on offer:


·       29 September, 10 – 2pm at the Guild Hall, Salisbury.

·       6 October at Mere Lecture Hall.


WFRS had five rural safety teams which liaised at a strategic level with the Police rural safety teams, ensuring they were aware of each other’s work and priorities.


Serve-on; a charity mainly staffed by former military personnel with experience of dealing with emergencies, were based at Salisbury fire station. As well as going out to trouble hot spots around the world to assist, they often work with WFRS to carry out a lot of logistical work. Recently they had helped with the placing and moving of the Barons around Salisbury.


Youth Update

As the Youth Officer was away, the report was read out by Steve Harris.


Wilton continued to provide an open youth club two evenings each week, delivered by Seeds4Sucess and funded by Wilton Educational Trust and Wilton Town Council.

Tisbury continued to provide three evenings of youth activities, funded by Tisbury Parish Council and the Youth Grant, and delivered by their youth worker and volunteers.  There were now 29 young people engaging across the week.  They were planning to provide three days of holiday activities 25-27 August and have a weekly drama session starting on Wednesdays from September.  The Parish Council was also working with Cllr Deane to create a dedicated youth space, as this was identified as a high priority by the young people of Tisbury.


Mere Town Council had negotiated the hire of their youth club building to Seeds4Success and they had recently started opening on Friday evenings.

The Community Youth Officer was currently working with Barford, Fovant and the St Bartholomew’s Benefice in the south west of the County to support them with development of local youth provision.


There have not been any new applications for Youth Grants.


Cllr Deane updated the Board on a project for the young people in the community area. It had been identified that the young people would like a dedicated space in or around the Nadder Community Campus. Several options had been considered; one in particular which was being developed was to purchase a second hand log cabin, move it to the campus site and make that the dedicated space for young people.


The project had been discussed by Tisbury parish council and had their support in principle. Cllr Deane proposed that the Board also give its support.


Cllr Wayman noted her reservations, as the campus would provide new facilities which could be used by the young people, and felt that they did not need a dedicated space.


Cllr Green noted that she understood that young people wanted their own space, as it gave a bit of street credit and was seen as ‘cool’.


The Chairman asked for further details of the project before a decision could be made, as funding towards the project may be requested.


Action: Further details to come back to a future meeting of the Board for consideration.

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