Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    Healthwatch Wiltshire

d.    Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

e.    Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership

f.     Good Neighbours

g.    Malmesbury Campus

h.    Highways Community Co-ordinator

i.      Town and Parish Councils


a)    Wiltshire Police


Inspector Ben Huggins and Sgt Phil Connor were in attendance.


Sgt Connor was introduced as the new officer for the Malmesbury community area.


Cllr Sturgis described an incident where a generator had been stolen in daylight hours during a horse event. Sgt Connor explained that this was an unusual experience but similar incidents had been experienced before. The police were dedicated to reducing crime in rural areas and were looking into how they can provide a more visible presence.


The community messaging scheme was being pushed forward by the Police and Crime Commissioner. Resources were being examined so that information could be uploaded quickly, as the system worked best once information was uploaded as soon as possible.


b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin explained that work was continuing on the combination of Wiltshire and Dorset services. A lease had been signed regarding the takeover of the Salisbury hub.


The Chief Fire Officer had written to all Area Board Chairs to inform them that he wished to provide a presentation prior to the combination date in April 2016.


c)    Healthwatch Wiltshire


A written update was included in the agenda pack.


d)    Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group


A written update was included in the agenda pack.


e)    Malmesbury Villages and Community Area Partnership (MVCAP)


A written update was included in the agenda pack.


f)     Good Neighbours


A written update was included in the agenda pack.


g)    Malmesbury Campus


Kim Power and Peter Gilchriest from Friends of the Riverside were in attendance to deliver a presentation on the campus.


The new campus building would provide a community facility for the use of the whole Malmesbury community area.


The new design for the building aimed to make the space a more comfortable place to be. Work would be done on the outside of the building to improve lighting into the building through windows. A lobby area would be added along with a disabled toilet. Other additions would include: a café with a domestic-type kitchen; non-slip vinyl flooring; office space for Wiltshire Council workers; lighting, heating, and ventilation improvements; and a new toilet and separate entrance to the skatepark so that it can operate independently of the building.


A public presentation and open evening would take place in January 2016. People would be invited to look at the old building before its refurbishment and express any interests of use. A potential opening date was anticipated for midsummer 2016.


It was explained that Wiltshire Council had a commercial lease on the building, and as such it was worth spending the money to improve it so that the best use can be taken from it.


Capital funding was explained as being used for refurbishment. The exact amount could not be detailed as it would be going out to tender. Development had not yet been priced or gone out to tender.


h)   Highways


Bill Parks, Head of Local Highways North, was in attendance to deliver an update.


Major maintenance colleagues were now dealing directly with tarmac. Formalising the work meant that better timescales could be given.


Parish stewards would be reintroduced in April 2016.


It was explained that as a reactionary service, which provided a better use of resources, they relied upon being informed about any issues. This could be done through the Wiltshire App. It was further explained that the cost of phoning customer services to log an issue on the app was approximately £5.00 after taking into account officer’s time. The cost of an individual doing it on their own online was approximately £0.02p.


Balfour Beatty had been removed as service suppliers. It was noted that this was done at no cost and the result had been positive. Wiltshire Council were now dealing directly with suppliers.


i)     Town and Parish Councils


There were no updates.

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