Agenda item

Plans for Primary Care Centre

To receive a presentation on plans for a Primary Care Centre at Leigh Park, Westbury.


Andrew Strange, Planning Consultant, provided a brief background to the planning issues surrounding the proposed site of the Primary Care Centre.


The Development Plan and countryside protection issues had been considered, and the proposed site had been identified in the Core Strategy as a good location for the Matravers school relocation. The existing site of the hospital had been ruled out as its access was poor.


Matt Grist, Transport Advisor working on the project, provided information on the transport issues with the proposed site.


The site was in an ‘edge of town’ location and presented many transport issues for consideration. Current options being looked at included:


·         Scheduled bus services, including the potential diversion of existing services such as 58A and 58B

·         A proposed bus stop facility on Mane Way

·         Community transport, such as Link Services

·         Free taxi phone line within the surgery

·         Charging point for mobility scooters

·         Taxi pick-up point in the car park

·         Covered secure cycle parking

·         Dropped kerbs and tactile paving for pedestrians.


A Travel Plan was also being considered that would encourage sustainable travel, primarily amongst staff, as well as a full Transport Assessment, which would look at issues such as accessibility, trip generation, local junction capacity, car parking and rights of way.


Dr Debbie Beale, Senior Partner, explained that there was a lot of work yet to do regarding the transport options but good progress was being made. In light of the uncertain financial times, planning permission was needed as soon as possible to ensure that funding sources were not lost.


A number of comments and issues were raised from the public, as follows:


·         Concern was raised that elderly people in particular would find accessing the new site difficult and it was felt that the existing site was ideal. Dr Beale commented that this was not possible due to restraints with the size of the site.


·         Thought needed to be given to complex electric chairs used by disabled people.


·         There was concern that, if the development went ahead, the countryside would be unprotected and could become open to development.


·         In response to the above, Councillor Scott recognised the ‘planning void’ that the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategy had left, but hoped that further guidance would be available towards the autumn. A system of ‘bottom-up’ planning was expected to emerge and local community aspirations would be at the forefront of this.


·         A comment was made regarding the frequency of bus services to the new site and it was felt that 30 minute services were required as a minimum.


·         It was important that bus services operated in accordance with the surgery’s opening hours.


·         Concern was raised that the 58 bus service from Frome to Westbury had not been looked at for possible diversion. The reason for this was because any diversions to services should avoid impacting unnecessarily on existing services for residents.


The Chairman thanked Andrew, Matt and Dr Beale for attending and encouraged members of the public to submit any unanswered questions they may have had.