Agenda item

Our Community Matters

Councillors and the Community Engagement Manager will provide an update on community issues and progress on area board working groups. This will include:


a.    Community Engagement Manager Update - To receive a presentation from the CEM on items including reviewing the ‘Big Pledge’.

b.    Community Area Transport Group

c.    Calne Health and Wellbeing Programme - A written update is attached..

d.    Calne Section 106 group. A written update on revised terms of reference is attached.

e.    Air quality working group - a verbal update will be received. The 2016/17 Action Plan was approved at the meeting on 30 August 2016.

f.     Older Peoples/Carers Champion – A report and proposal is attached to note the discussions and actions recorded in the last group meeting notes and to consider a proposed application and scoring scheme that will enable the group to make recommendations for area board funding.

g.    Dementia Friends Working Group - A report to the Board including a recommendation that the area board notes the discussions and actions outlined in the meeting notes and considers a proposal to become a full member of the Calne Dementia Action Alliance


The Community Engagement Manager (CEM) Jane Vaughan and Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups. 


CEM Update

The Board received details of the many successes of Wiltshire based athletes at the Rio Olympics, as well as local efforts to encourage physical activity as part of the run up to the Games in the Wiltshire Council ‘Road to Rio’ initiative.


Details were also provided on the very successful Wordfest event (24 September – 1st October) which had run over 8 days with over 25 events celebrating literacy and communication. The Board thanked all those who prepared and took part in the event, and wished it further success in the future.


It was also noted that the HACCA (Heathy Active Calne Community Area Group) had received an award from Public Health at Wiltshire Council for tackling Obesity.


Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

There had been no meeting of the CATG since the last meeting of the Area Board.


Health and Wellbeing Programme

Details were sought on the Open Plus Library Scheme which was being trialled  and how success would be assessed. It was stated reports on performance would be tabled from February 2017 onwards. The need for a suitable disabled toilet in the refurbishment of the leisure centre was also raised.


Section 106 Group

The written update was received and discussed. A motion was moved by Councillor Tony Trotman, seconded by Councillor Christine Crisp and it was,



1)    To note the discussions and actions recorded in the meeting notes.

2)    To approve the proposed revisions to the Calne s106 Working Group terms of reference in order to allow involvement in other s106 agreements in the area, in addition to the current Sandpit Road agreement.


Air Quality Working Group

The Board had approved the Air Quality Action Plan at its August 2016 meeting. It was also confirmed the tree planting scheme would continue.


Monitoring of air quality and location of devices was raised and whether they were suitably placed. It was stated the air quality team had been advised of the query and the Board would seek further information.


Older People/Carer’s Champion

The written report was received and discussed, including a proposed scoring system for the consideration of grants as detailed in the agenda papers. A motion to approve the proposed scoring scheme was moved by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Tony Trotman.



1)    To note the discussions and actions from the group meeting notes

2)    To approve the proposed scoring scheme.


Dementia Friends Working Group

A report and update was provided. It was noted much work had been done to support the Dementia Action Alliance in the community area, and it was felt appropriate the Board commit to be a fill member to show its commitment.


A motion was moved by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Christine Crisp, and it was,



1)    To note the discussions and actions recorded in the Group meeting notes

To sign the Area Board up as a full member of the Calne Dementia Action Alliance.

Supporting documents: