Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

    ii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

   iii.        Trowbridge Community Area Future (TCAF)

   iv.        Town and Parish Councils

    v.        Local Youth Network


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner(OPCC)

Naji Darwish from the OPCC delivered a presentation on behalf of Commissioner Angus MacPherson detailing the proposal that the policing element of the council tax be increased by 1.9%, and the consultation on the proposal which would end on 3 February 2016.


Details were also provided on performance statistics for the past year, noting despite a slight increase in reported crime Wiltshire had the 7th lowest crime rate in England and Wales, as well as explanations of increased costs and reduced grant funding.


Queries were raised on the estimates used to calculate the increased costs, in particular in relation to forthcoming increased national insurance contributions, where some members felt the assumptions to be too high given the proposed measures taken by the Fire Authority and Wiltshire Council finance officers for the same issue. A response from the chief finance officer of the OPCC would be sought and circulated to the Area Board.


Details were also sought on the integration of administration and increased cooperation with Avon and Somerset Police, and how these savings from shared support services and other measures were progressing. It was stated around £0.500m was predicted to be saved through such methods for the next financial year.


It was also noted by the Board that the police element of the council tax was currently the lowest in the region, and that it received the second lowest grant funding of any police service.


    ii.        Wiltshire Police

The written update from Inspector James Brain was noted. Sergeant Mark Hough in attendance reported on recent pilot programmes to improve response times, and provided details on crime data for the area.


   iii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

It was noted the Combined Wiltshire and Dorset Fire Authority would come into being on 1 April 2016. It was stated the Authority had received the fourth largest reduction to its grant of any UK Fire Authority, and that though some district councils and Police and Crime Commissioners had been given the right to increase their council tax precept by £5, that is by more than 2%, this had not been the case for Fire Authorities.


The Board also expressed thanks to the service for their excellent Christmas Party, and drew attention to the in-house magazine offered by the Fire Authority on recent activities and plans.


   iv.        Trowbridge Community Area Future (TCAF)

The written update was noted. Lindsey Millen, TCAF Coordinator, reported that the government had accepted TCAF’s application or charity status, which would open up further opportunities for the group and its work in the community area.


Details were also provided on the continuation of the Wellbeing report as detailed in previous meetings, a skate group working with Wiltshire Council, and a meeting of BA14 Culture on 9 February 2016 at Bridge House from 1230-2000. A meeting with parishes regarding Speed Indicator Devices had also been arranged for 8 February 2016.


    v.        Town and Parish Councils

The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was noted. Further updates were received as follows:


Hilperton - It was reported many residents were upset with recent work undertaken cutting trees in the Paxcroft Mead area, and at the response of officers to the concerns expressed. It was requested the Area Board follow up the matter.


West Ashton - Subject to agreement of the Area Board, plans were progressing for a metro count and to investigate speeding.


There were no updates from other parishes.


   vi.        Local Youth Network (LYN)

Sarah Holland, Community Youth Officer(CYO) provided an update on recent activities with the LYN. The youth apprentice for Trowbridge had stood down, and it was uncertain if there would be scope to replace them. However, it was reported a youth volunteer was undertaking some work with the CYO, and there were already several signups for a youth work induction course to begin in late January.


The temporary Ice Rink which the Board had funded would take place 23-24 January 2016.


The Board urged as many local youth groups to submit bids, noting the significant funding levels they still held for youth projects.


 vii.        Highways

Attention was drawn to the monthly newsletters produced by Wiltshire Council Highways, to be found at the following link.

Supporting documents: