Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


·         NajiDarwish, Commissioning and Programme Manager from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner


·         Neighbourhood Policing Team


·         Fire and Rescue Services


·         NHS Wiltshire CCG


·         Healthwatch Wiltshire


·         Calne ‘Our Place’ Project


·         Town and Parish Councils



The Chairman welcomed Naji Darwish, from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, to present on the proposed precept consultation. Mr Darwish relayed that The Commissioner wished to increase the Police precept by 1.9%; in order to protect policing in Wiltshire at a time of increasing financial pressure. Mr Darwish drew the meeting’s attention to the consultation leaflets provided on which any comments on the precept increase could be submitted. The financial plan for the police was available on their website where members of the public could also submit responses to the consultation.


An update on Police performance was provided and it was noted that the recording of crime had improved in the County, which remained one of the safest areas of the country. It was highlighted that Wiltshire Police had been rated ‘Good’ by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate.


In response to questions, Mr Darwish informed the meeting that Wiltshire Police had approximately £15-16 million in reserves and that this money would be used over the coming year to ensure that officer levels remain protected; the Police and Fire services were collaborating as much as possible to make efficiencies and would continue to do so.


Sgt Ronnie Lungu took questions on behalf of the Neighbourhood Policing Team. In response to a question on how statistics had indicated an increase in theft in Calne, it was explained that recording systems were more robust, therefore there had not necessarily been an increase in crime. Sgt Lungu drew attention to the fact that vehicle crime had seen an increase in real terms and that the community should remain vigilant; the Officer also encouraged those present to visit the Police’s social media pages, as these were where a large amount of information could be found.


The Chairman thanked Sgt Lungu and informed the meeting that at the next Area Board meeting, on 5 April 2016, officers would be present to discuss in further detail the combination between the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Services.


The Chairman then drew the meeting’s attention to the information contained in the pack regarding the partner updates from ‘NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group’ and ‘Healthwatch Wiltshire’.


A representative from the Calne ‘Our Place’ Project updated that the team was hoping to raise £5000 for a project to promote Calne on the ‘Great West Way’; a tourism route from London to Bristol. £2500 had already been raised and thus, the group were looking to raise a further £2500, this would be considered by the Board later in the meeting.


It was heard that at future Area Board meetings John Bentley School would provide a regular update.


Cherhill Parish Council updated that on 15 February it would be having a meeting on countryside access. Cllr Hill then raised the issues of bridleways and clarified that the application to re-route a bridleway on Calston was still on-going.


Mr Ian James, Bremhill Parish Councillor, outlined his unease about the proposed new development of 1500 houses in the Bremhill Parish as the proposal could lead to a large scale development in a rural area of Calne and thus, those present were encouraged to raise their objection to this proposed new development. Mr James also noted that drainage concerns had previously been raised by Wiltshire Council officers when considering developments to the east of Chippenham. Mr James concluded by encouraging councillors to thoroughly consider any proposals relating to the development for the East of Chippenham.

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