Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a.     Wiltshire Police

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.     Health Services

d.     Calne ‘Our Place’ Project

e.     Town and Parish Councils

f.      Healthy Active Calne Community Area (HACCA)


The Chairman drew attention to the written updates provided with the agenda.


The Chairman informed the meeting that Goatacre Cricket Club, who had received a grant from the Area Board in 2015 towards providing a new scoreboard and shower facilities, had been in contact to thank the Area Board for the grant award and to update that their project had been running smoothly.


In response to questions, Sgt Lungu confirmed that as the Corsham and Calne police forces had now become combined, there were now 10 officers working as a part of this team; which was an increase in 4 officers for the Calne community area, in comparison with the number of officers that had previously been allocated to Calne. It was stressed that officers had been assigned to the areas that had showed the most need.


Sgt Lungu informed the meeting that the police force’s recording systems were now more advanced than the system that had previously been in place and therefore, although statistics had stated that there had been an increase in crime, it was felt that this increase was due to the improvement in the recording facilities of the police.


It was highlighted that the way in which policing was organised would be changing; indeed, there would be a more community approach, as opposed to a neighbourhood approach. Furthermore, those present were informed that the Police and Crime Commissioner had applauded Calne’s police force for the valuable and positive relationships that officers had been able to build with the community.


Cllr Aylen, Calne Without, detailed that in terms of the housing consultations that had taken place in both Calne Town and Derry Hill, the turnout had been very good. He encouraged those present to participate in the consultations on possible development sites for the Chippenham DPD.


Cllr Hill then provided an explanation to the meeting on the ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ and relayed that such a document would seek to provide protection against unwarranted development in the wrong location. He stressed that the Neighbourhood Plan was a document that allowed the community to have the opportunity to note where they would prefer development to take place. It was noted that once a Neighbourhood Plan was finalised, it would become secondary planning legislation. Cllr Hill stated that, occasionally, developers may be able to offer benefits to the community, in exchange for the community agreeing to planning permission on a proposed development site. Those present were encouraged to visit the Council’s website and fill in the survey attached to the Neighbourhood Plan.


Cllr Evans, Cherhill Parish Council, detailed that there were a couple of upcoming events, which included a countryside access meeting and an emergency planning meeting; for which several people had been invited to present and discuss pertinent issues.


On behalf of Bremhill Parish Council, Cllr Crisp relayed that the latest plans for the Chippenham DPD sites that affected Bremhill had changed. She encouraged those present to attend the Chippenham DPD consultation for Calne, Corsham and Chippenham Area Boards, to be held on 7 June at 6:30pm in Chippenham. It was noted that an update on this meeting would be provided at the next Calne Area Board.


Cllr Alberry, Compton Basset Parish Council, explained that the Parish Council had applied to the transparency fund; in order to help secure funding for super-fast broadband to the area. He encouraged other Parish Councils to apply to the scheme too, should they be having difficulty in securing a super-fast broadband connection in their area.


Cllr Baggs, Calne Town Council, noted that the next Town Council meeting would be held on 20 June and she encouraged those present to attend.


Olga Tuffery, Healthy Active Calne Community Area (HACCA), provided an update on the HACCA’s workshop which was held during 5 April Area Board. Ms Tuffery outlined that participants had identified health as the main priority for the HACCA to focus on in 2016/17 and Ms Tuffery stated that she felt that the HACCA could work well in this area. She also noted that Bentley Model Railway Group had expressed an interest in helping to improve skills in the Calne community area, and that this relationship would be explored. Ms Tuffery stated that the HACCA had reviewed its ‘Terms of Reference’ and that the main objective of the group was ‘To reduce the impact of poverty upon the life chances of local people through improving: Skills, Health, Housing and Environment, Access to Information’.

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