Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on area board working groups. This will include:
· Calne’s s.106 Working Group Update
· Calne’s Dementia Friends Working Group Update.
· Community Area Transport Group Update.
· Calne’s Air Quality Report Group Update.
· Older Peoples and Carers Champions Update.
· Health and Wellbeing Centres Update.
· An update from the Community Engagement Manager on the latest meetings of the Joint Strategic Assessment
Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups.
S.106 Working Group Update
Cllr Trotman gave an update on the progress of the working group stating that they were focussing on cycle paths and new maps. He said that they would also be looking at the Tesco Developments.
Calne’s Dementia Friends Working Group Update
There was an input from Chairman Cllr Crisp who informed the Area Board that she Chairs the Dementia Action Alliance Steering Group and looked at recruiting organisations to the cause. Cllr Crisp proposed to keep supporting Dementia Friends through the Area Board. This was seconded by Cllr Marshall and all members voted to support the group.
The actions agreed were:
· To support the Dementia Action Alliance Steering Group (through the involvement of the CEM and one member)
· To have a standing item on each Area Board agenda to promote and report on progress (the existing dementia Friendly working group update should be renamed ‘Calne Community Dementia Friends’ Update
· To arrange 4 Dementia Friends Sessions in 2017 – including 1 for young people.
Community Area Transport Group Update
The group discussed the updates from the reports and noted the most significant of those to be the proposed traffic lights at the Silver Street junction with the A4 and also the resurfacing of the Mile Elm road. Cllr Trotman said that the resurfacing had made the road a faster road and that some more chevrons and signage would be beneficial.
Calne’s Air Quality Report Group Update
Cllr Ansell said the working group had been getting complaints about school parking and that the group would be trying to encourage families to walk to school. She also confirmed that the Tree Planting Project would continue in Spring 2017. Talks then turned to the appeal of Hills Recycling Centre and the news that Wiltshire Council would not be defending the appeal. Cllr Hill explained that the case would be defended by a private alliance of Wiltshire Waste Alliance. He said that there would be a 3 week consultation period in February once the appeal is addressed.
Older Persons and Carers Champions Update
There was an update from the working group stating they were looking for new volunteers and premises for the “Men’s Shed Scheme”. This was described as a social activity for older men to promote health and wellbeing and to address social isolation, whereby men would get together, adopt projects and work together for fun. The next meeting was also identified as 31st January 2017.
Health and Wellbeing Centres Update
There was an update from Cllr Hill reporting that the Leisure Centre was being used well and that there were refurbishment plans. He said that there was a budget of 5 million which would include heating and insulation of the building.
Joint Strategic Assessment Update
Jane Vaughan, The Community Engagement Manager, provided an update on priorities coming out of the Joint Strategic Assessment Meeting. She said that there had been 78 people at the meeting and they voted on priorities of the JSA. The Area Board were asked to consider 6 items. The Board agreed to the following:
However, it deferred the following recommendations, on advice of Cllr Hill, so that it may have longer to consider and discuss them at the next ABC meeting:
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