Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, and to note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Police

b)    Wiltshire Council Items for Information

c)     Wilton Town Team minutes


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


a) Police

Inspector Sparrow had provided a written report which was attached to the agenda, he was unable to attend so Sergeant Whitby was in attendance to give a verbal update.


The South West Wiltshire Area Board was split by two different geographical areas of policing; Salisbury and Warminster.


Under the new Policing model set to start on September 17th, PCSOs would  remain. PC Matt Holland would take on the Community Coordinator role covering the South West Wiltshire community area. These changes were part of a statutory decision.


There was a perception that there was a reduction in Police presence, however in the Chalke Valley this was due to the departure of PC Pete Young, who had over past years worked daytime hours and had been regularly on patrol in the community. It was felt that with him going, it may seem bad, but the new model would enable the team working out of Sal to cover specific hotspot areas, so to focus work to areas of priority.


Police interaction would continue with the parish and town councils. It was the aim that a written report would be produced for all parish safety meetings and when required, Officer attendance would be available to deal with specific issues.


Nicola would be one of the PCSOs for the community area, she had 6 years of rural experience and aimed to introduce herself to all of the 19 parishes in her remit over the coming months.


Questions and comments included:


·       Chairman – In one village a recently released paedophile had moved in from the north of county. The perception was that he was being protected under police guard. Why are we using our police to do this when we cannot spare them to cover the community? Answer: I do not think we would have the resources to post an Officer outside his house. I would need to look in to the specifics of that case.

·       Cllr Green – There were huge problems facing the rural police teams around hare coursing, and gambling. It was also a problem for land owners to keep an eye out for those who accessed the ROW's.

·       Now that PC Pete Jung had moved on, it was hoped that his networking by email would continue with the PCSO’s as it was felt that this was an excellent way of informing the community, especially in areas without mobile phone coverage.

·       Your claim of visible policing for now and the future would not be as easily achieved on foot and by cycle patrol in vast rural areas such as the Chalke Valley.

·       What woud happen to Wilton Police station in the future? Answer: A paper has been written looking at rationalisation. Wilton Police station is owned by the police. We are facing a security threat, may be wise to keep some of our locations. Ultimately these are buildings which are worth some money. But they cost money for heating and maintenance.

·       Clerk to Tisbury Community Safety Partnership – Our 2 PCSOs are brilliant, however there had been some recent upset with the change in the newsletter. Our local residents liked to have information on statistics about local incidents. Answer: PC Matt Holland –We have Community support officers in rural areas, they need to be experienced PCSOs as they need to work independently most of the time. My job to keep local contact, and it is my intention to come to all AB meetings.

·       Do PCSOs in other parts of the county clock in at Warminster and then drive down to their patches? Answer: Yes that does happen. Officers for this area would start from Bourne Hill (BH) for a briefing and then depart for a day in their community areas. There was no reason for Officers to keep coming back to BH as they had their devices to do their work, as the technology is there for them to do that.

·       PCSO Nicola – I brief at BH then get straight out on my patch. I will aim to be working from village halls and such in the community. If my car is parked outside then people can come and talk to me.

·       I cannot seem point of having a daily briefing, why is it needed so frequently? Answer: There were many factors such as terrorism threat, stress, assessment of the moral and wellbeing of Officers on a regular basis. Staff were also prone to feel isolated if not brought together regularly.

·       Pete was brilliant with the lorries in Quidhampton, would Nicola take this work on? Answer: Yes I will be taking this work forward.


People could register for information send outs via:


b) Wiltshire Council Item for Information – Wiltshire Online Programme

The Board noted the update attached to the agenda.


c) Wilton Town Team Minutes

The Board noted the papers attached to the agenda.


d) Fire Service

Cllr Peter Edge explained that there was a new system where all Fire Authority members were buddied up with stations, both Cllr Edge and Cllr Wayman had been assigned their stations. The Chief Fire Officer had resigned and the process to recruit to that post was underway. Interviews would take place in September with a replacement in role by January 2017.


A recruitment evening had been held in Wilton two weeks ago, which had been very successful. 28 applicants had come forward with 17 of those serious contenders. There was a possibility that 5/6 of them would be suitable for the Wilton station, with others more suited to the other areas.


The Board noted the written update circulated at the meeting.


e) Age UK Wiltshire

Sue Wight updated that the Info Bus would now include some visits in the community area, as requested by the Board at the last meeting. Sue would be  liaising with the CEM to establish the most suitable places.

The merger was underway for services across the county. Living Well had been awarded a Public Health award for their role in assisting people who had had unplanned admissions into hospital.


Questions and comments included:


·       Would the CEM also liaise with the 2 Older Peoples champions to establish the best locations for the Info Bus to visit, possibly in the rural areas as that was where people were most isolated?

·       Its was all about joined up thinking, so it would be important to get Anne Marie and Val O’Keefe on board.

·       The Nadder Centre would also be used to hold some meetings.

·       A Safer Places scheme had now been set up in Tisbury – for more info people were invited to attend the next Tisbury Safety Partnership meeting.


Supporting documents: