Agenda item

Hydrocarbon Extraction

Following the referral of a motion on Hydrocarbon Extraction to the Committee by Full Council on 23 February 2016, considered at the meeting of the Committee on 1 March 2016, a presentation was received on 24 May 2016 from Alistair Cunningham, Associate Director, Economic Development and Planning. This provided a summary of work being undertaken to prepare a briefing to Members of the Council on Hydrocarbon Extraction, national policies and the council’s responsibilities.

A written briefing on hydrocarbon extraction is to follow and will be circulated to all councillors. The briefing paper includes technical explanation of the process and national policy, review of local planning policies and decision making in relation to the planning process. 

In light of all the information received, members are asked to consider whether further scrutiny input on Hydrocarbon Extraction in Wiltshire is appropriate at this time.



At Council on 23 February 2016 a motion was received on hydrocarbon extraction following the granting of Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences (PEDL) in the county. The motion was referred to the Committee for its meeting on 1 March 2016, where it was requested officers undertake an investigation into hydrocarbon extraction, to include technical explanations, local and national policies and what functions are devolved to local authorities.


An initial presentation was received from Alistair Cunningham, Associate Director, Economic Development and Planning, on 24 May 2016, as well as seeking further direction from the Committee and the public in attendance on issues to be included within the briefing paper to be prepared following the officer investigation.


Councillor Toby Sturgis, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Operational Property and Waste and Georgina Clampitt-Dix, Head of Spatial Planning, presented the briefing paper to the Committee.


The Chairman opened the item by reminding all present that the Committee was not a decision making body, and the briefing paper and discussion of it was not a debate on the merits of hydrocarbon extraction, but an explanation of the background, processes that needed to be followed, the role of the council as local planning authority and other bodies, as well as a review of the council’s planning policies in the context of national policies.


The Committee thanked the officers for the extensive briefing that had been provided and welcomed the thorough explanation of the technical processes of hydrocarbon extraction and the council’s role in the process. In response to queries it was stated regulatory organisations such as the Environment Agency would be responsible for assessing many issues such as impact upon the water supply. It was also stated that it was the councils’ view that its existing planning policies on minerals and other  planning matters adequately provided for dealing with any hydrocarbon extraction issues and it was not necessary therefore at the present time for a specific policy on that issue alone.


The likelihood of any extraction taking place within Wiltshire was raised given the geology of the county, and it was reiterated that although PEDL licences have been granted no application has been received to begin exploration.


Public representations were received from Bill Jarvis and Margaret Carvanna from KeepWiltshireFrackFree welcoming the detail of the report, although in light of the concern many held over the risks and potential high cost to the county financially and in health terms, they felt the council’s current policies needed to be reviewed to ensure they were sufficient


A motion was moved by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Bridget Wayman, to note the excellent report from officers, that the report should be circulated to all councillors, and that the committee felt that no further scrutiny action as required at the present time, but that the committee be updated regularly. The motion was approved.


A motion was also moved by Councillor Stephen Oldrieve, seconded by Councillor Glenis Ansell, that a seminar for members be arranged to discuss the report in greater depth. The motion was not approved.




1)    To note the written briefing on Hydrocarbon Extraction and thank officers for the excellent work in preparing it.

2)    That the report will distributed to all councillors as a members’ briefing note.

3)    That no further scrutiny involvement be undertaken at this time, but that the Committee be updated as the situation changes so it can review whether further involvement is required

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