Agenda item

Transition City

Mike Leonard from Transition City will give an introduction to the Group and its work.


Mike Leonard gave a presentation on Transition City which was a non-profit non-political or non-sectarian organisation which had 125 members which aimed to provide a focus and catalyst for local action.


The Groups aim was that through transition, Salisbury would emerge as a sustainable, happy and socially integrated community with thriving local industry, a substantial source of self generated energy and a self sufficient food supply. This carbon neutral environment would be complemented by greater social equality and opportunity


The six working groups and projects were:


·       Energy

The planting of wild flower gardens, herbs in car park boxes, nursery beds for wild flowers and a local tree planting initiative.


·       Local Economy

Formation of a Help Hub, assisting with new business start ups, vocational apprenticeships and the Salisbury Craft Guild.


·       Environment

Ideas for energy conservation, a ‘10 easy things to do’ initiative, a ‘Compact Champion’ who was a representative for the ‘Wiltshire Compact’.


·       Food and Water

‘Grow Your Own’ initiatives and Community Orchards. Practical tips on water conservation, composting, organic vegetable growing and maintaining water quality.


·       Hearts and Minds

Workshop programmes, mindful walking, newsletters, school visits, local events and discussion groups and presentations to local community and government organisations.


·       Waste and Recycling

Pursuing food recycling, and “Street bins”. Investigating market place collections, recycling of commercial waste and white goods. Working on feasibility studies for a repair and recycling facility and biogas digesters for the collection of food waste.


The Group was working with Salisbury City Council on energy conservation and with Wiltshire Council on a county wide energy plan – ‘Green Team’. which was a feasibility study for local hydro energy projects and investigating the viability of district heating.


A ‘Sustainable Salisbury’ event was planned for 8 October 2016 in the Market Square, everyone was welcome to attend.


Comments and questions included:

  • The planned changes to the refuse site meant that charities taking stuff to the tip will be charged. The men there would also go through bags of rubbish to see if they contained anything which could be recycled instead of going to landfill. Charging charities to have recycling taken away would push them to put things in the rubbish. Answer: This was a National policy, so it was not possible to solve that issue locally. The Waste & Recycling Group had produced a leaflet which gave suggestions of other places to take recycling. There were also many  forms of recycling.


·       David Burton Laverstock & Ford PC – the parish was interested in the mission to become self sufficient in food. You could measure the amount of food coming off the land. A number of parishes would be interested in what you are doing, would you be contacting parish councils?  Answer: The best way to find out more would be to come to our event on 8 October.


·       Heat recycling was taking place in buildings now, much like it was at the Health & Wellbeing centre, which was a fairly new building. Swimming pools and sports places were a great user of energy, so it was better to recycle it as well as use it. Double glazing was another way to save energy, it was important to get the message out to households that they can save money. Answer: Yes this is what we are about, so if you come on 8 Oct you will find out more.


Paul Vinyard – Leisure Operations Manager  added that the pool had a  heat and power combined unit and the pools being a big drain on unities run on a UV (Ultra Violet)unit which meant that the consumption of chemicals reduced up to 60%.



·       Cllr Douglas thanked the Group for its work, adding that it was really encouraging to have a group of people thinking far and wide and achieving manageable things. The Board would invite the Cabinet Member to discuss Churchfields HRC opening hours in relation to the charities being charged.  Answer: The Board supported this request.


Action: CEM to invite the relevant Cabinet Member to attend a future meeting.


·       Is Transition City a registered charity Answer: No its something people don’t understand about Community Interests Companies (CIC’s) we are not a charity, we are similar but we don’t have a registered number.


The Chairman thanked Mike for his presentation adding that he felt it was excellent for people to drive what was important to them.