Agenda item

15/11153/OUT- Land at Forest Farm Chippenham, South of Pewsham Way & West of the A4, London Road, Chippenham, SN15 3RP- Mixed Use Development Including the Construction of up to 200 Dwellings Including Affordable Housing, B1 Employment, Community Building, Creation of New Vehicular Access, Footways, Cycleways and Bus Stop Lay-bys, Ancillary Road Infrastructure, Public Open Space, Children's Play Areas, Landscaping, Pumping Station and Surface Water Attenuation Facilities

A report by the Case Officer is attached.


The following person spoke in favour of the proposal


Mr Martin Miller, the agent


The Committee received a presentation by the Case Officer which set out the main issues in respect of the application. It was noted that the applicant had submitted an appeal in respect of this application on grounds of non-determination and, as a consequence, no formal decision could be made in respect of the application. However, in order to progress with the appeal, officers were seeking the opinion of the Committee in respect of the application had they been in a position to determine it and on what grounds the Committee wished to contest the scheme at appeal, if at all.


The Case Officer also brought to the attention of the Committee late representations from Chippenham Town Council and the agent.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions after which they heard a statement from the agent expressing his views regarding the planning application.


After some discussion,




(1)       To agree that had the Committee been able to determine the application, planning permission be refused.


(2)       To authorise the officers to contest the appeal for the following reasons (including the delegated authority to negotiate potentially satisfactory outcomes that may address reason for refusal 4 prior to that appeal taking place):


1. The proposal is unacceptable when having regard to the principles of polices CP1 and CP2 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (2015), saved Policy H4 of the North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011, as well as the principles set out within the National Planning Policy



2. A development of this size and general scale, in this location, would have an unacceptably harmful effect on the landscape character of this rural area of countryside which generates a number of harmful landscape and visual impacts. Despite the site’s close proximity to the existing edge of Chippenham large scale urban expansion at this location will undermine the valued countryside transition and setting to the town and breech the existing effective visual containment provided by mature trees and woodland. This development will also reduce the rural separation between individual settlements which is also considered to be harmful. The proposal is therefore contrary

to the provisions of policies CP10, CP51 (i), (ii) and (iii) and also CP57 (i), (ii), (iii) and (vi) of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.


3. The development is considered to harm the setting of a number of heritage assets because the rural character would be eroded, the agricultural land that many of the heritage assets were constructed to be associated with will be lost and the peaceful

setting urbanised. The harm caused would be less than substantial but that the harm cannot be outweighed by the public benefit. The proposals would therefore be contrary to Core Policy 58 of the WCS, NPPF section 12, as well as section 16(2) and 72(1) of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990.


4. The proposed development fails to provide and/or secure adequate provision for necessary on-site and, where appropriate, off-site infrastructure. Such infrastructure shall include (but not be limited to) affordable housing, educational facilities, public

open space, play equipment and footpath connections to the town, public transport provision and directly related highways work, waste collection and measures for future maintenance of the site. The application is therefore contrary to Core Policy 3 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.




Supporting documents: