Agenda item

16/02363/FUL Land at Rear of 4 The Cresent, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 8LG


Public Participation

Mr Richard Loveday spoke in objection to the application.


Lee Burman, Area Team Leader, presented a report which recommended that permission be granted for a two storey dwelling. Key issues were stated to include the principle of the development, parking provision, impact upon residential amenity and the material significance of the site application history including appeal decisions.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions about the application. Details were sought about the history of the site, and it was confirmed that three previous applications for very similar dwellings on the site had been granted on appeal, though each permission had expired prior to construction.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed above.


The Committee debated the application, discussing parking access and overlooking of neighbouring properties, and it was stated Highways officers were satisfied the access arrangements were sufficient, and that current issues on the site had been present for those applications granted on appeal.


Councillor Peter Hutton moved a motion to approve in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, seconded by Councillor Chuck Berry, and it was,




That Planningpermission be GRANTED subject toconditions;


1            Thedevelopmentherebypermittedshall be begun beforethe expiration of threeyearsfrom thedate ofthispermission.

REASON:  To complywith theprovisionsofSection 91 of theTown and Country PlanningAct 1990 as amended bythe Planningand Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2                  The developmentherebypermittedshall becarried out in accordance with the followingapproved plans:


Proposed Cottage Elevations Sheet3 and Proposed Cottage Floor PlansSheet4 (bothreceived 9 March 2016), LocationPlan (received 20 June 2016) and Site Planand Parking Layout 2016-11 05B(received 22 August 2016)


REASON:For theavoidance of doubt andin theinterestsofproper planning.


3                  Beforethe development herebypermittedisfirstoccupied thefirstfloor windowsin theeastelevation shall be glazed with obscureglassonlyand the windows shall bemaintained with obscure glazingin perpetuity.



REASON:In theinterestsofresidential amenityand privacy.


4                  Notwithstanding the provisionsofthe Town and CountryPlanning (General PermittedDevelopment)(England)Order2015(oranyOrderrevoking or re-enactingor amending that Order with or withoutmodification),no windows,doors orother formofopeningsotherthanthose shown on the approved plans, shall be inserted in theeasternor southernelevationsofthe developmentherebypermitted.



REASON:In theinterestsofresidential amenityand privacy.


5                  Notwithstanding the provisionsofthe Town and CountryPlanning (General PermittedDevelopment)(England)Order2015(oranyOrderrevoking or re-enactingor amending that Order with or withoutmodification), thereshall be noadditionsto,orextensionsor enlargementsofanybuildingforming part ofthe developmentherebypermitted.


REASON:In theinterestsofthe amenity ofthe area andto enablethe Local PlanningAuthorityto consider individuallywhetherplanning permission should begranted foradditions,extensionsorenlargements.


6                  No partofthe developmentherebyapproved shall be firstbrought intouse until the parking areashown onthe approved plans2016-11 05B, surfaced and laid out inaccordance with the approved details. Thisareashall be maintained andremain available for thisuse atall times thereafter.



REASON: To ensure thatadequate provision ismadefor parking within the site inthe interestsofhighwaysafety.


7                  Notwithstanding the provisionsofthe Town and CountryPlanning (General PermittedDevelopment)(England)Order2015(oranyOrderrevoking or re-enactingor amending that Order with or withoutmodification),no garages, sheds,greenhousesand other ancillary domesticoutbuildingsshall beerected anywhere on thesite ontheapproved plans.


REASON:  To safeguardthe character andappearance of the area.




Anyalterationsto the approved plans,brought aboutby compliance with Building Regulations or anyother reasonmustfirst be agreed in writingwith theLocal PlanningAuthoritybeforecommencement ofwork.




The applicantisrequested tonotethat thispermission does notaffect anyprivatepropertyrightsandthereforedoes not authorisethe carrying outofany workon landoutside their control.Ifsuch works arerequired it will be necessary forthe applicant to obtain thelandownersconsentbeforesuch workscommence.




Ifyou intend carrying out works in the vicinity of the siteboundary,you arealsoadvised that it maybe expedientto seekyourown advice with regard totherequirements ofthe PartyWall Act 1996.




Please notethat Councilofficesdo nothavethe facilityto receive material samples.Please deliver material samplesto site andinform the Planning Officer wheretheyare to befound.




The applicantshouldnote that the grantofplanning permission doesnot include anyseparatepermission which may beneededto erecta structurein thevicinity ofa publicsewer.  Suchpermission should be soughtdirect fromThames WaterUtilitiesLtd /Wessex Water Services Ltd.Buildingsare notnormallyallowed within 3.0 metresofa PublicSeweralthoughthismay vary depending onthe size,depth, strategicimportance, available access andthe groundconditionsappertaining tothe sewer inquestion.



The applicantisadvisedthat thedevelopmenthereby approved mayrepresentchargeable development under the CommunityInfrastructureLevyRegulations 2010 (as amended) and Wiltshire Council'sCIL Charging Schedule. Ifthe development isdetermined tobe liable forCIL,a LiabilityNotice will be issued notifying you of the amountofCILpaymentdue. Ifan AdditionalInformation Form has not alreadybeensubmitted, please submit it nowso that we can determine the CIL liability.In addition,you maybe able toclaim exemption or relief,inwhich case, please submit the  relevantform sothat we can determineyoureligibility.

The CIL Commencement  Notice and Assumption ofLiabilitymust be submitted toWiltshire Council prior tocommencementofdevelopment.Should development commence prior to the CIL LiabilityNotice being issued bythe local planning authority,anyCILexemption or  reliefwill not applyandfull payment will be required in full and with immediate effect.Should you requirefurtherinformation or to download the CIL formsplease refer to theCouncil'sWebsite


Supporting documents: