Agenda item

Licensing Application

To consider and determine an application for a variation of a Premises Licence in respect of Center Parcs, Longleat Forest, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 7PU made by Center Parcs Limited.  The report of the Licensing Officer is attached.


Application by Center Parcs Limited for a variation of a Premises licence in respect of Center Parcs, Longleat Forest, Warminster


The Licensing Officer introduced the purpose and scope of the application, the premises to which it related and the key issues for consideration.


During the consultation process, one relevant representation had been received from Horningsham Parish Council who had concerns that the traffic from the further 3700 persons would cause even more public safety issues than were being had a present.


In accordance with the procedure detailed in the agenda, the Applicant was given the opportunity to address the Sub Committee.  No representatives from Horningsham Parish Council were present at the meeting.


Key points raised by Gemma Burrows, Legal and Insurance Advisor for Center Parcs on behalf of the Applicant were:


·               The variation application had been submitted to address the numbers that could be on the premises at any one time.  They were confident that during non-change over days (change over days were Monday and Friday) that there would be no more than 4,999 visitors present in any of the licenced areas.  On changeover days there were likely to be more on site as some visitors would exit their accommodation and continue to use the site facilities and some guests would arrive early to use the facilities before they accessed their accommodation.


·               The numbers would not be rising by 3,700.  The figure of 8,700 has been calculated as the absolute maximum of people that could be on site at any time and this would only likely to rise above 5,000 on the Monday and Friday changeover days.


·               The Applicants did not anticipate for there to be any traffic increases at all.


·               The figure of 8,700 also included staff as they may be present in a licensing area at a particular time.


The Sub Committee asked the following questions.


Q       How is traffic managed off site?


A       We were not aware of any traffic issues and this is the first concern about traffic that we had heard about,  We were hoping to attend a meeting of the Parish Council who were going to discuss our application but we never received an invitation to such a meeting.  We were aware that there was a lot of traffic in the area on the day that the Elton John concert was held at Longleat, but they are separate from us.  There is a long drive to the entrance of Center Parcs and we have a smooth check in system to prevent delays.  We do have another entrance that can be used to get onto the site and this is used when necessary.  Our occupancy is constant all through the year and we are not aware of traffic problems.


Q       Do you have any local community liaison with local residents?


A       Not that I am aware of as I am based in the Head Office.  I do know that a staff member is also a member of the Parish Council and we would be happy to attend any meetings we were invited to.


It was reported by a Sub Committee member that local community liaison had been useful in the past and it helps to explain the reasons behind applications and alleviate any concerns that may be raised.


Gemma Burrows on behalf of the Applicant did not wish to make any points in summation.


The Sub Committee then retired to consider the application at 10.45am and were accompanied by the Solicitor for Wiltshire Council and the Democratic Services Officer.


The Hearing reconvened at 11am.


Following the deliberations of the Sub Committee Members, the Solicitor for the Council confirmed that no material legal advice was given in closed session.


The Sub Committee considered all of the submissions made to it and the written representations together with the Licensing Act 2003, Statutory Guidance and Regulations and the Licensing Policy of the Council




That the Western Area Licensing Sub Committee grant the variation of the Premises Licence in respect of Center Parcs, Longleat Forest, Warminster, as applied for, as detailed below:


·         To amend the licensed area, to exclude the holiday accommodation, car park and arrivals lodge, as shown on the application plan.

·         To amend the plans of each individual unit within the licensed areas, with unit name changes reflected.

·         Addition of indoor sporting events as a licensable activity.

·         Increase the maximum numbers permitted in the licensed areas, from 4,999 to 8,700 to include ‘changeover days’.

·         Add the following condition:

“Temporary bars may be placed in various locations within the perimeter of Center Parcs licensed areas for special events, including:

-     Winter Wonderland (Nov-Dec): temporary bar outside of the        Sports Café and at Village Square

-     New Year’s Eve: temporary bar outside the Jardin Des Sports

-     Sporting events: temporary bars in each of the above locations

For any additional temporary bars, Center Parcs will notify Wiltshire Council at least 7 days in advance of the event and confirm the location of the temporary bar, the date(s) it will be in place and the hours of operation.”




That the Applicant should seek to establish a channel of communication with the local communities via their Parish Councils to discuss any issues that may be of concern to local residents, arising from the operation of the holiday village.




The Sub Committee were informed that, although the application sought a significant increase in the maximum numbers allowed in the licensed areas, there would be no increase in the total numbers of persons on the site itself as a result of this application. Consequently, there would be no effect on traffic movements in the vicinity of the site, which was the issue that had concerned those who had made representations. The purpose of the variation application was essentially to regularise the current position, particularly in relation to the site plan. The Sub Committee therefore considered the variation application to be acceptable.


Right of Appeal:


All parties have the right to appeal to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of receipt of the written decision. Any person has the right to request a Review of the Licence, in accordance with the provisions of section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003.

Supporting documents: