Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Police

d)    Fire

e)    Salisbury BID

f)      Child Wellbeing

g)    Health & Wellbeing

h)    Salisbury Community Energy

i)       Community Engagement Manager

j)       Air Quality Group



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.


Salisbury City Council (SCC) – Cllr Dean


·         The pedestrian counters in the market have recorded visitor numbers had increased on last year.

·         The recent motorbike show had been very successful.

·         Food and drink festival and play days had been hindered by the rain.

·         6 months on from the asset transfer, new kit had been purchased.

·         Hoping to be able to see through a structured process where the barrowmen should go, how they have cleaned.

·         Working with partners to address recent reports of aggressive street begging and antisocial behaviour.

·         Ongoing work to plan future major events, such as the Carnival.

·         A meeting will be held with the BID to talk about the parking arrangements in Salisbury, to feed into the Wiltshire Council consultation.


Laverstock and Ford Parish Council – Cllr Ron Champion


  • A new play park area at Old Sarum had been completed. This had proved to be very popular.
  • We have convened a team of residents to move forward with either a Parish Plan review or a Neighbourhood Plan over next few weeks.
  • The Country Park was close to being signed off.
  • Public artist project for the Riverdown park was going ahead.
  • An informal meeting with our chairman, Vice Chair and SCC Chair and Vice Chair is being scheduled for early November to discuss how to work more collaboratively where appropriate.


Cllr Brown noted that as his division also covered part of the L&F area, he had the privilege of attending their parish meetings.


Police - Inspector Pete Sparrow

Highlights from the written report circulated at the meeting were noted.

A copy is attached to the minutes for information.



What do you propose to do about illegal cycling in Salisbury, bikes without brakes? Answer: There would not be any extra resources going to tackle cycling. If offences were reported they would be dealt with on an individual basis.


Fire - Lucy May

Highlights from the written report were noted.



False alarms were a daily occurrence, but was 25 the norm? Answer: Yes this was the norm, nothing unusual.


Child Wellbeing – Cllr Mary Douglas

A written report was attached to the agenda.

After meeting with a wide range of people across the city, we decided to focus on 0 – 5 year olds, in the Friary. The Community Foundation and the people of the Friary had become involved with this work. We have now handed over to them to continue and we will stay involved and in support of the work of the group. The group will now focus on the communication and co-ordination of information, advice and services to families.


Health & Wellbeing – Cllr John Walsh

The H&WB subcommittee was trying to improve the health of the community. Work was focused on older men, as they were a hard to reach group. Over the holidays they had been working on the possibility of a Men’s Shed project.


The group was looking at whether more could be done to make it easier for people to access the help they need. Had an over 50s drop in group for a gynaecological cancer group.


Healthwatch had produced a report which stated there was a communication problem with the assessment of befits. We invite the public to the next meeting on 19th October at 6pm at Five Rivers, where we will have an Officer to attend to answer any questions. Working with our partners and organisations to see what the problems were.


The Board considered the recommendation to formalise the Outside Bodies representative for the Safer Supportive Salisbury Group as Cllr Walsh.



The Salisbury Area Board appointed Cllr John Walsh as Outside Body Representative to the Safer Supportive Salisbury Group for 2017/18.


Salisbury Community Energy - Alison Craig

This new organisation in Salisbury, was working closely with Salisbury Transition City, but were separate to that.  


In Tisbury, they had recently formed a Community Energy model where they had got together to raise funds to put solar panels up in farms. The energy produced from this had then paid them back better than the bank. For the life of the project, the community then own that installation.


Alison asked for those interested and wishing to support this initiative to complete the questionnaire circulated at the meeting.


Community Engagement Manager – Karen Linaker


Dementia action alliance – The steering group had met twice, and were hoping to partner with a concert at Godolphin. The Salisbury Cathedral had also already supported the action alliance.


The Group was reviewing how many businesses had been drawn in and how it could involve SCC further. The Mayors cause this year was the Alzheimer’s Society.


WWI Commemorative Tree Planting – This Council initiative will involve communities in commemorating the passing of the war with a tree planting project. Laverstock & Ford Parish Council and Salisbury City Council were both keen to be involved. A number of schools and the cathedral are also signed up to formulate how we would move forward with this. Nov 2018 was the ultimate planting date. Karen was keen for this to be a community involved project.


Air Quality Group

The Group last met on 12th September and reviewed the current action plan, which included the development of a mobile phone app, further development of the co-car initiative and further tree planting.


The Groups policy on S106 development funds was also discussed and would be looked at further. When a policy had been formulated it would be brought to the Board for endorsement.


Cllr Brown showed a DVD depicting an event called ‘Ciclovia’ (a Spanish term that means cycleway) where for one day, all of the streets were closed to vehicular movement to allow free passing of runners, skaters and cyclists. This was an initiative that could be linked closely with another event that could be going on in the city.


Other Updates

The Chairman invited Mr Ford to speak on a matter of concern relating to traffic issues on the Devizes Road.


As a local businessman living near Devizes Road, he had concerns regarding the large lorries coming along the road to Southampton docks and back again. He asked what could be done to prevent a major accident on this road. He felt that resident parking on this road was very dangerous. He noted that the pollution was worse in Devizes Road and Fisherton Street than other areas of Salisbury.


Answer: The matter should be dealt with initially by contacting your local Councillor, and Councillor Brown on the Air Quality Action Group. As Devizes road was split between 3 Cllrs, it would be necessary to establish where on Devizes road you lived to ascertain which Cllr’s ward the issue was in.


Cllr Dean added that a lorry ban was not practical, as they were laid down by statute. The Board or Wiltshire Council could not achieve that. Parking could be enforced; we could ask parking enforcement to target the area.


The air quality in that area was very poor, and at times it was in breach of the national guidance. The A303 improvements with the tunnel, should make it less attractive for people to use Devizes road as a cut though.


The Wiltshire Council web site has the function that allows you to find out who your Councillor is and their contact details. 


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