Agenda item

Area Board Funding

To consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


  • Calne Bowl Project- Landscaping Britain in Bloom 2017: £500
  • Castlefields Canal and River Park Association- Bigger and Better Outdoor Gym: £5430
  • Hilmarton Primary School Eco Club- Great British Clean Up Event: £280
  • Cherhill Parish Council- Cherhill and Yatesbury Defibrillator Project: £2045
  • Calne Community Daycentre- New Dishwasher: £1295
  • Cllr Initiative- Cllr Crisp- Dementia Action Alliance Promotional/ Welcome Packs: £350
  • Cllr Initiative- Cllr Hill- Ring fencing of funds  to be allocated to community groups and organisations for litter picking equipment in the Great British Clean Up 2017: £2800



The Board considered 5 Community Grantapplications:


Calne Bowl Project- Landscaping Britain in Bloom 2017: £500

The project representative Jake Brock spoke in favour of the application, explaining that the on going project sought to reach out to the wider community, and that the Landscaping project would help them achieve this aim. Cllr Howard Marshall gave his support to the project, which he has championed from the beginning. Cllr Alan Hill raised the issue of how the plants would be watered and suggested that the Town Council could be utilised for this purpose. Cllr Howard Marshall said that he would, personally, look into this option with the Town Council. Cllrs voted on the application and the funds were awarded unanimously.


Castlefields Canal and River Park Association- Bigger and Better Outdoor Gym: £5430

Martin Court, trustee of the applicants, spoke in favour of the application, stating the outdoor gyms benefits to the whole community. He emphasised that the equipment was durable and would last. Cllr Alan Hill noted that the application sought more than the usual grants amount of £5000. However, he highlighted that the applicants were matching the funds and, given the benefit to the community, he was happy to use increase the amount to that sought, £5430. Cllrs voted and approved the funds unanimously.


Hilmarton Primary School Eco Club- Great British Clean Up Event: £280

Edith Cameron, from Hilmarton School, spoke in favour of the application, stating that she was involved in the “clean up” the previous year with the school and was applying for funds for equipment for this years “clean up” and future years, on advice of the Community Engagement Manager. Chairman Christine Crisp also gave her support to the school and the event as a whole, stating that it was more beneficial and efficient for schools to have their own equipment. Cllrs voted and approved the funds unanimously.


Cherhill Parish Council- Cherhill and Yatesbury Defibrillator Project: £2045

David Evans spoke in favour of the application, stating that in light of the previous Area Board meetings input from the Ambulance service on the importance of defibrillators, the project was seeking funds for an additional defibrillator, to meet guidance of their requirement in a 200m radius for optimal efficiency. Cllrs awarded the funds unanimously.


Calne Community Daycentre- New Dishwasher: £1295

Cllr Glenis Ansell gave support to the application stating that she had visited the centre recently and confirming that they needed an industrial dishwasher.  Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp also gave her support, stating that it was important that the volunteers were able to spend their time engaging with the service users, rather than washing up. Cllrs voted and awarded the funds unanimously.


The Board also considered the following Councillor initiatives:


Cllr Crisp- Dementia Action Alliance Promotional/ Welcome Packs: £350

Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp spoke in favour of the application. Cllr Alan Hill asked if this was to be an on going cost or a one off. Cllr Crisp explained that it was primarily for set up costs but that further funds could be sought in the future.


Cllr Hill- Ring fencing of funds  to be allocated to community groups and organisations for litter picking equipment in the Great British Clean Up 2017: £2800

Cllr Hill explained the benefits of setting aside funds for the event, highlighting that people would be better encouraged to get involved if the equipment was more easily available. 


Cllr Hill- Derry Hill Bells project (Christchurch, Derry Hill): Review of £2500 award

Cllr Hill gave support for this review and explained the reasons for the change in use of the funds. It was explained that the funds would now be used to commemorate the centenary of WW1 in a project to purchase bell instruments and equipment, to be used in establishing an inclusive musical project, which would hold a community event, in conjunction with Derry Hill primary school, during Remembrance Commemorations in 2018.

Supporting documents: