· Fire & Rescue Service
· Healthwatch Wiltshire
· Health & Wellbeing Update
· Update from Community Engagement Manager
The Board noted the following written reports attached to the agenda and circulated at the meeting.
· Healthwatch Wiltshire
· Clinical Commissioning Group
In addition, the following verbal updates were received:
Health & Wellbeing Update – Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager
Good progress had been made in Downton, with activity in other areas such as West Dean and the Grimstead luncheon club.
Tom had attended a session in Devizes with Jane Brentor for an older people’s workshop where they had been able to pick up some ideas which they hoped could be progressed in southern Wiltshire, such as the Make Someone Welcome campaign.
Other projects included Men’s sheds - which worked on trying to combat isolation and mental health issues in men and Dementia friends and a bite sized falls prevention project.
There were lots of projects for people to be involved with, further information would be circulated over the next few months.
Fire & Rescue Service – Tom Brolan
Tom came to update the Board as temporary District Commander for Salisbury Fire station, until 1st April when a new Officer would take over.
Some of the current work streams included:
· Working with volunteer flood wardens and holding training sessions at the Salisbury Fire Station.
· Safe and Well advisors were carrying out home visits to check smoke alarms and give advice. If anyone wished to have a home check they could pass their details on to the clerk.
· The next tranche of the Salamander course at Salisbury fire station would be starting the following week and would run until 12 February. This was an initiative run by the Fire Service for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Cllr Chris Devine, Chairman of the Wiltshire and Dorset Fire Authority added that the merger which was approaching a year in April, was going well. All frontline services were performing well.
Update from Community Engagement Manager – Tom Bray
There were a few events in 2017/18 that the Board hoped to support, these included the Big Pledge which was connected to the London athletics.
Some areas were looking at the healthy school’s initiatives. There would also be celebrations to commemorate WW1 next year.Tom had been working with the Board in developing some tool kits to support communities in these events.
The Chairman noted that the Council was well underway in its proposals for the 2017/18 budget, a big proportion of that would go in to older peoples care, and Health and Wellbeing.
Other Updates
Downton Lorries Issue
Claire Freemantle; Vice Chairman of Downton Society drew attention to an old issue which had been brought to the Board’s attention back in October 2013, concerning lorries coming through the village, noting that no progress had yet been made.
The group had been liaising with Tom Bray and had also spoken to MP John Glenn, with the view of approaching Highways England to request some signage on the M27. Downton Society would be concentrating its efforts this year on this matter and would appreciate support from the Board.
The Chairman noted that all avenues had been explored, and the MP had been involved two years ago, however so far the board had not been able to achieve anything with them. It would good if John Glen could move this forward with Highways England.
Matt Holland PC – We have been told that this issue is on the radar, he would follow up on any intelligence they received of lorries breaking the speed limit.
The Chairman added that the Board could write a summary of what had already been done and present the information to the group if they thought it would be useful.
Cllr Randall added that the New Forest Park Authority had written to Highways England regarding signs on the M27 but were still waiting for a reply.
Tom Bray and Cllr Randall would be meeting with Highways Officers the following week at New Forest Park Authority so would bring this up.
Old Sarum Nursery
Cllr McLennan fed back on the progress of the employment land at Old Sarum. He had met with Persimmons, who had asked him to suggest two uses for the land which would gain his support. One of those suggestions had been for a nursery.
From September 2017 the number of free childcare hours would be increased to 30hrs a week. This would put strain on many nurseries and see a need for new nurseries to open. Cllr McLennan had asked for a purpose built nursery to service Longhedge and Old Sarum. Wiltshire Council had also directed them to a grant which was available to help buy equipment.
The project had received government approval of over £600,000 towards the building, and £1.3m in total to build the nursery. He hoped to have a future proof nursery there.
Questions and comments included:
· Chris Parry Downton Memorial Hall - Please could the details of the government grant for the nursery be sent to our clerk, as we have been trying to expand the hall and the pre-school, but did not have the funding necessary. The Hall had been in regular contact with Officers at the council during the last 6 months but had never been informed of this grant. Answer: The government bid was to extend for the purposes of the increased hours from September of 15 to 30hrs. It would only cover that element of building.
The Chairman agreed to pursue the matter and asked for a summary of the situation.
Action: Downton Memorial Hall to provide the Chairman with a
Action: The Chairman to pursue the matter with Officers.
Supporting documents: