Agenda item

Funding Applications

The Board will consider the following funding requests as detailed in the attached reports:


a)    Health & Wellbeing



Grant Amount

Age UK


Music for Wellbeing CIC


Conservation for Wellbeing


Total grant amount requested at this meeting


Total available to spend at this meeting





b)    Community Youth Grants



Grant Amount

Grant id (link to application)

Applicant: Winterslow Scout Group
Project Title: Winterslow Scout Group Equipment Storage Project



Applicant: Landford Badminton
Project Title: New Landford Badminton Club



Total grant amount requested at this meeting



Total available to spend at this meeting





Officer: Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager


The Board considered 3 Health & Wellbeing funding bids and 2 Community Youth Grants for 2016/17.


Health & Wellbeing Funding


Age UK Wiltshire – Sue Wight explained that the project aim was to create opportunities for older people to associate with young people, while exploring and extending practical, social and digital skills, sometimes referred to as gateway services. This was a project run in conjunction with the Area Board.


Tom had met with the Head teacher at Trafalgar School, to talk about intergeneration work. Age UK had then been contacted to take care of the safeguarding issues for the older people involved, and the school for the young.



Was this a pilot scheme? Answer: Yes, the aim was to run it for a term from the school to gain knowledge before we could commit to a year or two long project. Tom hoped that it could then be used as a tool kit for other projects. The initial project would be focusing largely on Downton, as it would mean we would not need to bus in the people to be involved. The Head teacher was keen, and we had all of the ingredients here to make this successful. There were also Wiltshire online volunteers in the area.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board awarded £1,955 to the Intergeneration project with Age Uk.


Dancing for Wellbeing CIC

Cllr McLennan declared a personal interest as the applicant was his daughter. He did not take part in the discussion or vote on the motion.


No one was in attendance to speak on the application, the Board recommended that the application be deferred until someone could attend a future meeting to support the application and answer any questions.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board deferred the application from the Dancing for Wellbeing CIC until a future meeting.


Hazel Hill Trust

No one was in attendance to speak on the application.


Cllr Devine noted that he was disappointed that the applicant had not been in touch with him or the parish council to discuss the proposals. He felt that what they were proposing could be done with the reserves held by the applicant. This was also the third time the applicant had approached the Board for funding. He moved the motion of refusal. This was not seconded.


The Chairman then proposed deferral until the applicant could attend a future meeting to support the application and answer any questions.


The Southern Wiltshire Area Board deferred the application from the Hazel Hill Trust until a future meeting.


Community Youth Grants


No one was in attendance from Winterslow Scout Group, so the Board recommended that the application be deferred to a future meeting.



The application from Winterslow Scout Group for Youth funding was deferred.


Landford Badminton

A taster session was held which welcomed 22 participants. The club had formed a committee, and had affiliated themselves with badminton England. The Club was still looking for a level 2 coach to help. The trial day would be repeated in the autumn to attract more members.



Landford Badminton Club was awarded £300 towards the New Club project.

Supporting documents: