Agenda item

16/11413/FUL- Mobile Home, Woodbarn Farm, Stanton St Quintin, Chippenham, SN14 6DJ


The applicant’s agent Gerald Blain spoke in favour the application.


Team Leader Lee Burman introduced the application which sought the replacement of an existing mobile home with a twin unit Static Lodge, as retirement accommodation. The Officer gave a presentation, showing photographs of the existing site, along with diagrams and photos of the proposed development. It was confirmed that this was a resubmission of a recent application, which had been refused in October 2016 and that the existing mobile home was unauthorised and no planning permission for residential development on this site existed. In this context, the officer also referenced the refusal of a previous Certificate of Lawfulness application for the mobile home. The planning policy objections to the application were explained, along with concerns as to the suitability of the site for retirement accommodation, along with concerns for the proposed design and character of the development.


A technical question was asked, to whether a temporary permission could be granted for the applicant’s lifetimes, but the Officer confirmed that the circumstances did not meet the criteria of such an exception.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to address the Committee, as detailed above.


The Local Division Member, Cllr Howard Greenman, spoke in support of the application. He said that Councillors had to take a wider view, than that of the policy. He highlighted the benefits to the applicants, in allowing them to live in the area which they had farmed for most of their lives and raised concerns as to where they would live if the application was refused, and the potential cost to Wiltshire Council. He also addressed the view that approving the application would set a precedent, by stating that the circumstances were unique, an approval could not be easily applied to another application.


In the debate that followed, Councillors noted the circumstances of the applicants and discussed alternative accommodation options for them, which would be within Council policy and national legislation.  Cllr Toby Sturgis then moved the Officer’s recommendation, which was seconded by Cllr Peter Hutton. Councillors approved the Officer’s recommendation. 



That planning permission be REFUSED, for the following reasons:

1.    The development would be in a rural location outside any recognised development limits or settlement, resulting in the formation of a new dwelling in the countryside.  This is contrary to Paragraph 55 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CP1 and CP2 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Adopted January 2015) and Saved Policy H4 of the North Wiltshire Local Plan, which restrict development outside of the towns and villages in rural areas and the open countryside except in a number of exceptional circumstances which are listed under Paragraph 4.25 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and Paragraph 55 of the NPPF, none of which apply in this instance. As such, the proposal fails to promote a sustainable pattern of development within the County and is contrary to the aforementioned local and national policies.

2.    The proposal, located remote from services, employment opportunities and not well served by public transport, is contrary to Paragraph 34 of the National Planning Policy Framework which seeks to promote sustainable development and reduce growth in the length and number of motorised journeys. The proposal also is contrary to the principles of sustainable development set out in policies CP1, CP2, CP60 and CP61 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Adopted January 2015).

3.    Due to the use of materials proposed, the development would represent poor quality design which would fail to improve the character and quality of the area and would not respond positively to local distinctiveness. The proposal is therefore in conflict with Paragraph 64 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Policy 57 (i and iii) of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Adopted January 2015).


Cllr Howard Greenman requested that is opposition to the motion to refuse be recorded.

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