Report (to follow) by the Associate Director, Corporate Office, Function and Procurement
The Chairman stated that she would take items 11 and 12 together and invited the Leader to propose a motion, drawing attention to the recommendations included in Agenda Supplement two.
Leader in proposing the motion stated that, in an amendment to the motion in the paper, that Councillor Mollie Groom become a full member of the Northern Area Planning Committee with Councllor Jacqui Lay as a substitute member.
Councillor Ernie Clark stated that the following substitute members should be added: Southern Area Planning Committee – Councillors George Jeans and Graham Wright;
Eastern Area Planning Committee – Councillors George Jeans and Graham Wright; Western Area Planning Committee – Councillors George Jeans and Graham Wright; Licensing Committee – Councillor Graham Wright; Children’s Select Committee – Councillors Ernie Clark, Nick Fogg and Russell Hawker; Environment Select Committee Councillors Ernie Clark, George Jeans and Russell Hawker; Health Select Committee Councillors Ernie Clark, George Jeans and Russell Hawker; and Standards Committee – Councillors Nick Fogg and George Jeans.
Having been put to the vote, the meeting;
(a) Tonote this report and the legal requirements.
(b) Tore-appointthe followingcommittees with the termsofreferenceas set outin the Constitution:-
· AppealsCommittee
· Area Planning Committees: Eastern, Northern, Southern andWestern
· Audit Committee
· Children’s Select Committee
· EnvironmentSelect Committee
· Health Select CommitteeH
· ealthand WellbeingBoard
· Licensing Committee
· OfficerAppointments
· Overviewand ScrutinyManagementCommittee
· PensionFund Committee
· Policeand Crime Panel
· Staffing PolicyCommittee
· StandardsCommittee
· StrategicPlanning Committee
(c)Tore-appointthose Area Boards,constitutedas area committeesas set out in paragraphs13 to 15 and Appendix 1of the report presented and within theConstitution,to comprise the UnitaryCouncillorsfor thatarea.To re-appointthe Local Pension Boardestablishedunder the Public ServicePensions Act2013and consequent amendments to the LocalGovernmentPension Scheme Regulations2013with theterms of referenceas set out in the Constitution.
(d) Toapprove ascheme of committee places which sets out thenumberofseatsavailable to membersofthe Council and to political groups as follows:
Committee |
Total Number ofPlaces forElectedMembers |
(68seats) |
(20seats) |
(3seats) |
(7seats) |
Strategic Planning |
11 |
8 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
AreaPlanningCommittees; North |
11 |
8 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
South |
11 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
East |
8 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
West |
11 |
7 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
Licensing |
12 |
8 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
OverviewandScrutinyManagement |
15 |
10 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Children’sSelect |
13 |
9 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
EnvironmentSelect |
13 |
8 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
HealthSelect |
13 |
9 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
Standards |
11 |
8 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
PoliceandCrimePanel |
7 |
5 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Audit |
11 |
8 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Appeals |
8 |
5 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
StaffingPolicy |
9 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
OfficerAppointments |
5 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
PensionFund |
5 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
174 |
121 (120.735) |
36 (35.510) |
5 (5.327) |
12 (12.429) |
(e) Toappoint councillors to serve on those committeesin accordance with the agreed scheme of committee places, until the next occasion membership isreviewed under the provisions of theLocal Government & Housing Act 1989 (as attached).
(f) Toappointsubstitutemembers (to a maximumoffour per group)to thecommittees referred toin (A) above(as attached).
(g) Toappointthose councillors representing electoral divisions to their respectivearea boardsas set out in Appendix 1ofthe report
(h) Todelegate to the Standards Committee the appointment of four non-voting co-optedmembers, and to delegate the arrangements for selection ofsuchmembers to the MonitoringOfficer in consultationwith the Chairman oftheStandards Committee
(i) Toappointthefollowing persons asIndependent Persons eachfor afour yearterm:
Mr TonyDrew
MrsCaroline Baynes
Mr Stuart Middleton(please note changefrom papers circulated)
and tothank Mr ColinMalcolm for his excellent service tothe Council for the past5 years as an Independent Person and to MrTony Drewand MrsCaroline Baynes for their continuedexcellentservice.
(j) Toreappointthefollowing non-electedmembers to the Children’s Select Committee:-
Non-ElectedVotingMembers |
Representing |
Vacancy |
ChurchofEngland |
DrMike Thompson |
CliftonDioceseRoman CatholicChurch |
Vacancy |
ParentGovernor(Secondary- maintained) |
Vacancy |
ParentGovernor(Secondary –academy) |
Vacancy |
ParentGovernor(Special EducationalNeeds) |
MsJillHughes |
ParentGovernor(Primary) |
Non-ElectedNon-VotingMembers |
Representing |
JamesWilkins |
School,Childrenand YoungPeoplerepresentatives |
Ms Cathy Shahrokni(SubstituteMs JenJones) |
FurtherEducation Representative |
MissSarahBusby |
SecondarySchoolsHead teacherRepresentative |
MissTracyCornelius |
PrimarySchool Headteacher Representative |
MrJohn Hawkins |
SchoolTeacher Representative |
(k) To re-appoint thefollowingco-opted members to the Wiltshire Pension FundCommittee:
Name |
Representing |
currentlyCllr SteveWeisinger. |
SwindonBoroughCouncillor (asdetermined bySwindonBorough Council) |
currentlyCllr SteveAllsopp. |
SwindonBoroughCouncillor (asdetermined bySwindonBorough Council) |
DianeHall |
EmployerRepresentative |
LindaStuart |
EmployerRepresentative |
currentlyStuart Dark |
SchemeMember Observer-appointed byUnison |
currentlyMike Pankiewicz |
SchemeMember Observer-appointed byUnison |
(m) Tore-appoint the Local Pension Board under the PublicService Pensions Act 2013 andconsequent amendmentsto theLocalGovernmentPension Scheme Regulations 2013 withthe termsof referenceas set out inthe Constitution:
Name |
Representing |
HowardPearce |
IndependentChairman |
DavidBowater |
SchemeMember Representative |
BarryReed |
SchemeMember Representative |
MikePankiewicz |
SchemeMember Representative |
SarahHolbrook |
EmployerMemberRepresentative |
LyndaCroft |
EmployerMemberRepresentative |
*Vacancy |
EmployerMemberRepresentative |
*and toappoint CouncillorRichardBritton tothe vacantposition of EmployerMemberRepresentative
(n) ToappointChairmenandVice-Chairmen of thefollowing meetings:
Committee |
Chairman |
Vice-Chairman |
Area PlanningCommittee–Eastern |
MarkConnolly |
PaulOatway |
Area PlanningCommittee–Northern |
TonyTrotman |
PeterHutton |
Area PlanningCommittee–Southern |
FredWestmoreland |
RichardBritton |
Area PlanningCommittee–Western |
ChristopherNewbury |
JonathonSeed |
AuditCommittee |
RichardBritton |
StewartDobson |
Health andWellbeingBoard(Chairmanonly) |
BaronessScott ofBybrookOBE |
Licensing Committee |
PeterHutton |
JosieGreen |
Committee |
Chairman |
Vice-Chairman |
OfficerAppointments |
BaronessScott ofBybrookOBE |
John Thomson |
Pension Fund Committee |
Tony Deane |
RoyWhile |
Staffing PolicyCommittee |
AllisonBucknell |
Tony Jackson |
Standards Committee |
PaulOatway |
HowardGreenman |
StrategicPlanning Committee |
Fleur de-Rhé-Philipe |
DerekBrown |
(o) TonotethattheOverviewand ScrutinyManagementCommittee,the SelectCommittees, andthe Policeand CrimePanelwillbe askedto electtheir respectiveChairmenand Vice-Chairmenat theirfirst meetingfollowingthe annualmeetingofcouncil.Area Boards have each been convenedtomeet on therisingofthisCouncilmeetingto electtheirrespectiveChairmenand Vice-Chairmen.
(p) TonotethattheAppealsCommittee doesnotmeetas aformalcommittee.However,three memberswhohaveundergoneappropriatetraining aredrawnfromits membership toform AppealPanels toconsiderand determine varioustypesofappeals.Noappointmentofchairmanor vice-chairmantothe committeeis thereforenecessary.Each panelwhenconvenedwillelect itsownchairman.
(q) ThatCouncilappointthe following10 membersto serveas Councilrepresentatives onthe Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority:
Conservatives (7)
PeterHutton |
Liberal Democrat (2)
Bob Jones |
Ernie Clark |
PipRidout |
BrianDalton |
AndrewDavis |
PaulOatway |
ChristopherNewbury |
RobertYuill |
MatthewDean |
Supporting documents: