Agenda item

Local Youth Network (LYN)

To receive updates from the Community Engagement Manager and to consider any recommendations for youth funding projects as detailed in the attached report.



Grant Amount

Applicant: WYAP
Project Title: Fabric of Life in Salisbury



Applicant: Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust

Project Title: Wiltshire Early Intervention Football Team



Applicant: Life Rocks CIC

Project Title: Music Tuition




Applicant: St Edmunds School for Girls

Project Title: South Wiltshire Mindfulness in Schools Collaboration Strategy




Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre – Gym Wellbeing Project (see appendix A)




The Chairman explained that since the LYN was set up the Board, on most occasions, had approved their recommendations. This was a reflection on the thoroughness of the LYN Group’s vetting process of applications put before them. However, as Cllr Douglas had reminded the Board on many occasions, the final decision rests with the Area Board, who have a wider perspective than the LYN.  On this occasion, it wished to debate two of the applications and that this no way reflected on the integrity of the Groups work.


Cllr Rogers noted that he had been on the LYN for the last 4 years and felt that they did a good job of interrogating applicants, in addition to the professional Officer who vets applications before they get to be considered. He had decided to stand down as the representative on the LYN as he felt the Board should take the recommendations forward.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Rogers for his work with the LYN Group.


The Board then considered the applications for funding as detailed in the agenda.


WYAP - Fabric of Life in Salisbury - discussion


The Chairman noted her concern that as a Board it was not able to fund projects of a political nature or those with a wider agenda. She also noted that the applicant had applied for a large grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, and in comparison, the Board held a small budget to allocate throughout the year.


Cllr Hocking felt that the Board should focus on funding projects in the Salisbury area, and felt that this was a County wide project.


Cllr Walsh asked how many young people from the Salisbury Area would benefit from this project? Answer: On page 52 of the agenda, the report clarifies approx. 15 young people from Salisbury. However once the work was complete and exhibited then many more.


The Chairman asked the applicant to clarify what was meant by the phrase ‘to identify and develop allies’ and read the definition of the word allies from the English dictionary. Answer: Carrie Creamer explained that the WYAP had existed for 15/16 years in Wiltshire. Its remit was to develop social arts and focused on developing work around resilience and building strong communities. The nature of this work had been brought about to combat the effects of bullying. The project supported equality, diversity and celebrating difference. The young people involved with this work saw the word allies as meaning someone who stands with them and supports them.


Questions from the floor:


·         Were elected members able to tell us whether other projects supporting these groups had been funded by the Board? Answer: The CEM looked in to this following the meeting:

·         At the meeting of the Board held on 17 March 2011, the following funding was awarded:



Rainbow Rooms UK was awarded £984 towards publicising and promoting support and services to lesbian gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Salisbury.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and would help raise awareness of services to LGBT people.


Cllr Dalton moved that the LYN recommendation be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Rogers.


The motion was not carried.


The Board then voted on the recommendation of refusal.



The application from WYAP for the Fabric of Life in Salisbury project.

was refused for the following reasons:


·         A small number (15) of young people directly involved did not represent community-wide benefit.

·         The main project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (£36K) would go ahead anyway without SAB funding.



The Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust was awarded £250 towards the Wiltshire Early Intervention Football Team project.


Life Rocks – discussion


Cllr Dean noted that SCC had generously funded the Bunker project, when the grant using development money was made from the Local Authority. At that time the applicant made it clear that the establishment would be self-funding. Although he was sympathetic towards the aims of the organisation, until the board saw records of achievement, he was not prepared to support the project.


Cllr Rogers asked for clarification on how many applications the board had funded from the applicant before? Answer: One; a snare drum summer course.


Cllr Dalton noted that the project summary stated that the funds were needed to secure match funding, he asked if they did not get funding here would they lose the other funding? Answer: Tom Bellshaw; volunteer for Life Rocks, stated that this was a community interest company. The match funding from the board would enable some of the most vulnerable young people in NEETS, aged 14 – 19, and in care of the local authority, to benefit from the project. We would want to show transparency and accountability.


Cllr Hoque noted that he was in favour of giving young people opportunities, however two years ago the applicant was full of confidence that they would be self-funding.


Cllr Walsh noted that he was aware that the conservative members of SCC had not been in favour of the bunker project from the start. This applicant has only been awarded one other grant. The youth service had been transformed by this group.


The Chairman noted that there was no political motive.


Cllr Brown noted that he had supported the bunker and had pleasure of opening it as mayor. The business plan was something that should be looked at, however it was difficult to quantify and achieve figures at this stage.


Cllr Rogers moved the motion to support the recommendation of the LYN and fund the project. This was seconded by Cllr Walsh.



Life Rocks was awarded £3,000 towards the Music tuition project.



Bemerton Heath Interagency Group was awarded £800 for the compound project



 St Edmunds School For Girls was awarded £2,500 towards the South  Wiltshire Mindfulness in Schools Collaboration project.



The 5 Rivers gym wellbeing project was awarded £3,000.


The Chairman reiterated the Board’s gratitude and support to the LYN.

Supporting documents: