Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
  3. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  4. Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  5. Marlborough Area Development Trust (MADT)
  6. Transition Marlborough
  7. Town / Parish Councils


The Chairman drew the meeting’s attention to the written updates in the pack and invited partners to speak to their reports.


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Nick Mawson presented his report and highlighted the following points: that the Force were aware of issues with the 101 non-emergency number and were working to resolve them; that arrests had been made in relation to a spate of burglaries in Ramsbury and a number of vehicle thefts; and that the safety notices for popular beauty spots, funded by the Area Board, would be in place within the next few months. In response to a question it was reported that noting down the security/serial numbers of their bikes could aid owners to reclaim them should they be lost or stolen.


Inspector Mawson then provided further information on recent press coverage of Wiltshire Police’s estates strategy and its potential implications for the future of Marlborough police station. It was reported that policing of Marlborough was currently co-ordinated from the Devizes hub and that response times had reduced under this model suggesting that it had been effective. The review of buildings was ongoing but an alternative base for touch-down in Marlborough was being sought and should one be found it was predicted that the loss of the police station would have minimal impact on the way policing was conducted in the town and community area.


In response to questions it was explained that while the police station building was a highly visible police presence in the town, the way in which people communicated with the police had changed and the building was very under-utilised. Work was being done to improve the 101 service and communication with the police more generally. Members of the public who wished to comment on the police and crime strategy could get in touch with the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Ramsbury Parish Council


Sheila Glass raised her concerns regarding dog fouling in the parish, and invited comments on the possibility of a local bylaw to make carrying bags compulsory for dog walkers. It was suggested that the parish council could get in touch with Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC) to seek advice on pursing this course of action.

Marlborough Town Council


Mervyn Hall, Mayor of Marlborough, reported that work had commenced on the refurbishing the old youth centre. A project manager had been appointed and support was being sought from local businesses to help with furnishing it. A poster campaign had been launched in partnership with a local vet to reduce dog fouling, and a new footpath had been built on The Green to improve access from Silverless street. The Town Council was also supporting the promotion of the new Great West Way running through Wiltshire along the corridor of the A4: a tourism route being promoted by Visit Wiltshire amongst others.


Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Planning Group


Two studies had been completed on housing and parking needs in Marlborough: raising concerns about retention of young families and an insufficient level of parking spaces in the town centre. Ambitions for the St Peter’s School site would be explored within the plan. There would be public meetings held in which the consultants would present their findings and respond to questions.


Supporting documents: